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Verizon Bargaining 2011: Report # 58

The Mid-Atlantic Bargaining team continued bargaining this week in Rye, NY. The MidAtlantic team met with the company this week. Some of the proposals we exchanged included those on Jobs, Job Security, Successorship, Union Recognition, Absence, Corporate Profit Sharing, Travel Allowances, Home Garaging and Weekly Paychecks for former GTE employees. The Union also passed a counter proposal on Healthcare. Some proposals have been rejected while others are still being reviewed. The talks have recessed for this week and are scheduled to resume on Monday, February 13, 2012.

Meetings were also held between sub-committees from the North and the Mid-Atlantic teams. The purpose of these meetings between the two union committees is to make certain we are working in concert with one another and not allowing the Company to divide us in any way.

Your Union Bargaining Committees are working every day to bring a contract to our members that is fair to all involved. Stay engaged. Stay focused. Mobilize against the Company’s attack on our middle class standard of living.

We will send more updates as they become available.