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AT&T Legacy T Mobilization Report #3

The Company continued with crazy proposals across the table, including a new dress code policy. Many Members responded by returning Company branded clothing to supervisors or hanging it on clothes lines outside the central offices, garages, and Union Halls.

Thousands of members requested to review their personnel file last week. If you did not ask to see your file, it’s not too late. You can do it on line through HROneStop, Human Resources Forms or you can print the form and give it to your supervisor. It’s important for you to know what the Company may have placed in your file.

While our bargaining team is negotiating our contract, it is important that our members at home are doing a Quality Job Safely every time. Customers and safety are our number one priorities. We are the network, for both Wireline and wireless.

Strike votes should begin taking place throughout every Local as we gear up for expiration April 7. It is very important that every member participate and let the Company know that you will not settle for the retrogressive proposals being passed across the table. We need a strong YES vote for strike authorization. In addition, each Local should begin creating strike picket duty assignments. Officers, if you have not completed MRF training, reach out to your District Staff person ASAP to schedule it.

Here are reports of what is happening in some Locals:

Local 1051 passed out the WTF stickers, and their members liked them so much they are trying to see if they can have shirts made up with the logo on the back. Wednesday there was a special mobilization meeting. The Company has notified techs they will have to turn their vehicles in the week of April 2. Members will be mobilizing around that action. More details to follow.

Local 1150 continues to request personnel records and wear red on Thursdays.

Local 1152 is keeping management on their toes with throwing a "greedy green" day into the mix. Due to excellent communication by the mobilizers and activists, over 90% of the membership showed up in green! One manager stated that she was amazed that we had that much organization.

Local 1153 members are wearing red and participated in a lunch time rally. Mobilizers continue to distribute flyers and bargaining reports daily.

Local 2204 continues to leaflet members & give instructions on how to access the CWA website to stay informed of bargaining updates. An informational picket was held this week. Mobilization is being supported by members across the Local and community, including members working at the AT&T Mobility Lebanon Call Center, Verizon retirees, and UMWA Officers.

Local 2252 held a rally this week, with tremendous support from members, the public, the community and the RAT! Members continue to make noise at work. Members started requesting personnel records in most locations. Techs have been busting ball of the management that are gearing up their strike contingency plans in training to do our jobs; apparently the work isn’t as “easy” as the managers thought! Management attempted to negotiate new Operating Procedures with the workers at Waldorf MD & Offutt AFB (Local 7250), but the members in both locations refused and referred the bosses back to the Local Unions.

Local 3108 members are using noisemakers every day at 10AM & 2PM. The Legacy B members are also joining in the mobilization actions. Management on the BellSouth side has been attempting to interfere in the actions, but to no avail. Despite management’s attacks, the mobilization on both sides continues!

Local 3250 members started requesting personnel records. A contractor at the Century Center location disrupted business when they hit a water main while installing fiber optic cable. Though there was no AC or water to the building and restrooms were not working, instead of sending workers home, management brought in bottled water and porta-potties for the occupational workers to use. Management then asked for OT volunteers; everyone went home at the end of their regular tour. Just another example of what happens when work that used to be done in our bargaining units get contracted out. Everyone is wearing Red Thursdays and Black Fridays, and continues to stand and make noise at regular times and whenever anyone “gets the feeling” throughout the day. Q presence has been updated to red light bulbs while at work. Some locations have experienced managers attempting to stop mobilization actions, but the members are standing strong. “No Contract, No Peace.”

Local 3902 held an informational picket Wednesday. Everyone wore red and stood at the top of even-numbered hours. Members are posting American Dream posters on the dashboards and back windows of their cars in the parking lot.

Local 4252 members continue to wear red. Mobilizers are passing out information to members regarding bargaining, and educating the members on the importance of knowing what is in their personnel records/working file.

Local 6150 has the majority of workers wearing red Thursdays. They held a rally at the Bryan Street location. Workers have started phase one of requesting personnel files.

Local 6201 members walk in together at the start of the day. Each day management has a greeter. On the day members all wore black, they walked in silently, not speaking to the Company, showing solidarity and support for CWA bargaining teams. 6201 continues to encourage members to submit bargaining questions to the Company. Mobilizers are available to answer questions from members. Most members are now signed up for email updates, and are “fired up” by the Company’s retrogressive proposals. 6201 remains committed to supporting our bargaining team.

Local 6350 continues to mobilize around the absence proposal from the Company. Mini picket signs saying “There’s lot of wire in wireless” were distributed. This was the third set of picket signs distributed to members; all are hung at the desks. Thursday’s informational picket in front of the building was met with much support from the community. We were 99% red! The healthcare flyer was distributed Friday, and activists are mobilizing around HB3596 Call Center Legislation.

Local 6450 continues to make noise by clapping and shaking pill bottles every 11 minutes past the hour. Members stay informed on the website and through the mobilization group on Facebook. The Local has begun prepping for the strike vote and has distributed the health care information. Members continue to wear red Thursdays.

Local 7050 began their branded apparel boycott, returning AT&T clothing to the supervisors. They continue to perform the highest quality of work, safely for each customer.

Local 7250 members requested the first round of personnel files on Monday. Fliers were distributed and “Impeach Stephenson” was posted in many areas in support of Local 1150 pushback they received from management. The mobilization committee distributed fliers and organized a stand up, and the members continue to wear Red Thursday & Black Friday. Officers are gearing up for the 5-state strike vote which will begin the week of March 19.

Local 7750 members and Local officers marching in a public demonstration in front of the AT&T building on 40th were joined by approximately 200 Officers, Staff, Delegates, Guests and Retirees of the CWA District 7 Conference when three buses pulled up to the work site and unloaded. While management lined up by the windows to keep a close eye on the demonstrators, Local 7750 President Bill Domgaard held a flagpole rally, keeping in tradition of the Local. He talked to supporters about the struggles we face at the bargaining table against one of the greediest companies in America, which continues to pass retrogressive proposals across the table, trying to erase the last 40 years of bargaining. Click here to watch a video of the event filmed by 7250 EVP Russell Spartz: Members continue to wear Red Thursdays & Black Fridays, and will keep holding mobilization break walks and informational lunches even though the management has attempted to stop them. Management has been trying to interfere with mobilization actions. The Local leaflet showing Randall Stephenson’s “pot of gold” for St. Patrick’s Day drew the attention of management.

Local 13550 members continued to send questions to AT&T Bargaining Website. Local members requested personnel files all week. Inside mobilization included standing and making noise at noon, adding 20X20 signs at work PODS with various slogans. Members are wearing RED on Thursdays and Black on Fridays.

Local 13552 members are wearing RED on Thursdays.

The next conference call with Vice President Maly, Bargaining Team, and staff will be held at 7:30 PM Eastern time Wednesday March 21, 2012. Officers, Stewards, Activists and Members are invited to join, one port per Local please. Talk to your Local about how you can listen to the call.

Many Locals are either holding or planning break /lunchroom chats where members can come in and talk to Officers, Stewards, or Mobilizers about mobilization and bargaining.

The AT&T Shareholder meeting will be held April 27, 2012. Rumor has it the meeting will be held at 9:00 AM in Salt Lake City. Request your paper proxy and Annual Report by calling 888-756-2632; leave your name and address where the information should be sent. Hold on to your proxies for further instructions from your Local.

If you haven’t signed up for text message reports yet, you can get them by texting ATT to 69866. Bargaining reports and pictures for all 4 contracts can be found at

Report all violations of our right to concerted actions to and your District or Sector Staff. You will likely be directed to file charges against the Company for violating our right to participate in concerted activities.

Mobilization reports and pictures should be sent to your District Mobilization Coordinator. If your Local President and Local Mobilization Coordinator have not been receiving flyers or information, please let us know.

Send pictures and mobilization reports to your mobilization coordinators:

D1 Chris Wise

D2/13 Mary Lou Schaffer

D3 Glenda Poindexter

D4 Dave Skotarczyk

D6 Sarah Harreus

D7/D9 Shari Wojtowicz

Staff Rep Jim Cosgrove

If you have any problems or questions, call your District Staff person or the National T&T Office.

Stand Strong. Stay Mobilized.