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AT&T Legacy T Bargaining Report #27

Despite a very extensive presentation by the Union last week on quality problems with contractors doing Construction Tech work, along with a proposal that would both address those issues and bring more jobs back into the bargaining unit, AT&T flatly rejected our proposal. They continue to ignore our need to protect our work and allow our members to do jobs we are perfectly capable of doing – and do better – just to protect their so-called “flexibility”. They also rejected a proposal to move our CSDG Assemblers into Article 41, which is much more reflective of the work they do than the other titles in Article 36 where they now reside.

The Union made several proposals. After two rejections of our demands to move people now under the Cash Balance Account into the traditional pension plan, the Union made a third proposal today which would increase the payout and bring some more fairness to our members covered under the CBA. VP Maly emphasized, “We have listened since the start of bargaining that your issues are health care and absence, and we have said absolutely clearly that we have two issues – jobs & employment security and fixing the Cash Balance Account. We are dead serious about this. This needs to get fixed!

We also presented a new proposal on Health Care which included rejecting a Company plan that future retirees would be covered under whatever plan we bargain for active employees – which would increase the cost to our retirees. We also demanded to increase the cap on company contributions for current retirees. The Company made it clear they would not even discuss benefits for current retirees. It is a “permissive subject of bargaining”, which means we cannot legally force them to discuss it, but that does not mean they could not agree to discuss it IF they wanted to do the right thing, which they clearly don’t.

With only two days left until expiration, it is again outrageous that they came to the table again with NOT ONE POSITIVE PROPOSAL – just rejections. The fact that they walked in with just two items today is just another insult to the bargaining team and to every member we represent. The CWA bargaining committee informed the Company we are available to bargain 24/7, but the Company just informed us they have “nothing more for us today.”

Demonstrate. Mobilize. Tell the press, your neighbors and families that AT&T, one of the most profitable companies in America, is looking to take the low road and is trying to destroy middle class jobs.