AFL-CIO Endorses Re-election of President Obama
Meeting this week, the AFL-CIO Executive Council endorsed the re-election of President Obama, stressing that the President "honors the values of hard work, of mutual respect and of solving problems together — not every person for himself or herself...Each of the Republican presidential candidates, on the other hand, has pledged to uphold the special privileges of Wall Street and the 1% — privileges that have produced historic economic inequality and drowned out the voices of working people in America."
CWA endorsed President Obama's re-election on Feb. 2, following more than two months of online voting and information provided to members on all the candidates. By a 5-1 margin, CWAers chose President Obama over the Republican field.
"Over the past year, the Republican field of candidates made clear its position that when it comes to losing a job, contracting a serious illness, sending a child to college or looking forward to retirement, in today's United States, working families should be on their own. This is especially true when it comes to workers' rights. No Republican candidate stood up for the rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively," CWA's Executive Board said in a statement.
"We've seen the start of a growing movement to take back our country and to end the control of corporations and the wealthy that truly threatens our democracy. We need elected leaders who support this movement to restore democracy. President Obama is that leader."
President Cohen said CWA will focus on member-to-member communications and contacts in the months leading up to the November elections. CWA's legislative-political actions teams, which have been working on legislative issues like the bill to stop the offshoring of call center jobs, will play a critical part in CWA's campaign work.
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