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AT&T Legacy T - Mobilization Report #4

This is the week the strike vote is due from your Locals. IF you want to give your bargaining team the power to resist the Company’s outrageous demands and have a good shot at maintaining good benefits and working conditions, make sure you give them a strong YES vote and keep building your mobilization activities.

Each Local should be creating strike picket duty assignments. Officers, if you have not completed MRF training, reach out to your District Staff person ASAP to schedule it.

Locals are finding new and creative ways to beat back the company’s dress code proposal. In addition to turning in branded apparel to your supervisor, or hanging it out on the line at Union Halls and garages, many workers have begun the “Ban the Razor” campaign; growing beards and mustaches before AT&T tries to ban facial hair as part of their ridiculous dress policy.

We are still in the spring cleaning mode so if you haven’t requested to see your personnel file, make sure to do that soon. We have a right to review it once per year according to the language CWA negotiated, so make sure you check it out. You can do it on line through HROneStop, Human Resources Forms or you can print the form and give it to your supervisor. It’s important for you to know what the company may have placed in your file.

While our bargaining team is negotiating our contract, it is important that our members at home are doing a Quality Job Safely every time. Customers and safety are our number one priorities. We are the network, for both Wireline and wireless.

Many Locals have sent people to the 99Spring training to help build coalitions of the 99% across the country with other organizations and in our communities. Our struggles are not just against AT&T, but against all corporations like them that make up the greedy 1%.

Many Locals are either holding or planning break /lunchroom chats where members can come in and talk to Officers, Stewards, or Mobilizers about mobilization and bargaining.

Here are reports of what is happening in some Locals:

Local 1150 continues to wear red and provide quality service & work safely.

Local 1152 members keep mobilizing inside including Wearing Red Thursdays & Black on Fridays.

Local 2204 The 2204 Members at the Virginia Relay Center in Norton, VA had another informational picket line yesterday and we will have another one next Wednesday, March 28th. We have done these every Wednesday this month. I have printed the Striker Information Forms for the Reps to pass out to the members. The Strike vote will be conducted next Wednesday March 28th here in Norton.

Local 2252 On Monday Local 2252 members came to work with walkers, canes, wheelchairs, bandages etc. Handed out the Healthcare flyers and stickers. They also handed out the WTF stickers to the members during the week. Later in the week focused on Corporate Greed and handed out a flyer to all members regarding corporate greed. Members participated in the National Day of action against Verizon.

Local 3207 We are still wearing our red everyday, made buttons of the WTF stickers you gave us in mobility training, gave out the Fighting for the American Dream posters to members to put on their dashboards, and we just did our healthcare day Friday by wearing Band-Aids, canes, and bandages wrapped around the head

Local 3250 Members dressed in adhesive bandages, knee bandages and brought in bottles of medication at the various locations. "Why Wear Red" flyers were given to the members. Members are continuing to stand and make noise on the hour as well as performing a quality job and wearing RED on Thursday and BLACK on Friday. We continue to stress to membership the seriousness of their support. Legacy B members and also wearing red and participating in noise making activities; non members and some managers are wearing red to show support. Most occupational employees in our local have either CWA member or CWA supporter in their "Q" presence on the computers at work. One location held an information picket and received much support from the community. Managers are concerned about the solidarity, Union support and members willingness to strike.

Local 4252 members are wearing red and focusing on quality on the job.

Local 6201 boycotted wearing company branded direct tv shirts while the company liaison was in the building, instead 95% of the members wore red! They are also boycotting ANY at$t branded products during bargaining. Members brought their strike authorization votes to work and turned them in to the Union as a solidarity action. So many members requested to view their personnel records the management is scrambling to meet the required time frame to meet with each employee. Members are also mobilizing around the scabs that are being trained in their facilities, and remains focused on doing whatever it takes to support the bargaining team and our fight for a fair contract.

Local 6350 participated in the National Day of Action for Healthcare. Members wore stickers, we passed out flyers and every member was given a surgical mask and Band-Aids. Tuesday we passed out clickers, clappers and horns. We are make various noises throughout the day, 24 hours a day, and will step the frequency up as the bargaining continues. Wednesday we passed our the story of "Why we wear red". We found out that many of our members did not know or had forgotten why we do it and now is a great time to remind them. We are preparing for 100% YES to strike. Friday there was a major incident in the building created by a contractor who blew a fuse knocking out power and blowing up the server, this created an opportunity for us to rally our members around the fact that AT$T is no where near ready for a strike and had no idea what to do.

Local 6450 continues to make noise, wear RED on Thursdays and Black on Fridays. Healthcare day was a success, many members participated wearing their medical devices or bring all their meds from home to show the company how important our healthcare is. We have handed out our strike vote information, and encouraged all members how important it is to vote a strong YES. The strike vote is being held this week. The members are boycotting branded apparel as the company continues to give away free shirts and other AT&T branded items. We had several members participate on 3/22 day of action for verizon, made our point when we where ask to leave by the city police. We have sent out all strike assignments and activated our community service committee, to assure our members we are prepared for the fight. Members stay up to date using the website, Facebook and other social media. We thank the bargaining team for their strength at the bargaining table and Local 6450 supports you.

Local 7050 Members are working safely, and focusing on quality. They also continue the branded apparel boycott.

Local 7250 began conducting their strike vote and have encouraged members to vote YES. Members have been threatened about clicking on the job and management sent emails to employees telling them to cease and desist immediately. Grievances and NLRB charges are being filed. Members participated in the National Day of action against Verizon, and continue to wear red and do other actions on the job including working safely and providing the best customer experience every time.

Local 7750 continues to hold flag pole rallies and keep members informed on what is happening at the bargaining table. Inside job actions continue. They are holding a slogan/acronym contest. Members are wearing Red Thursdays & Black Fridays.

Locals 13000 and 13500 participated in the National Verizon day of action.

Local 13550 Members started the week with Healthcare Action - distributed flyers and stickers and mobilized with Healthcare Day on Monday. They conducted their Strike Vote on site at the call center location with 100% participation. Members continued to send questions to AT&T Bargaining Website and also sent responses to the Question that AT&T asked "Dream Big for Retirement". Local members followed up with personnel file requests from last week. Inside mobilization included standing and making noise at noon adding 20X20 signs at work PODS with various slogans. Members are wearing RED on Thursdays and Black on Fridays. Members participated in the National Day of action against Verizon.

Local 13552 Members wearing RED on Thursdays.

There was a lot of great participation in the Verizon national day of action. If you haven’t seen the pictures make sure you check out the website

The next conference call with Vice President Maly, bargaining Team and staff will be held at 7:30 PM Eastern time Wednesday March 28, 2012. Officers, Stewards, Activists and Members are invited to join, one port per Local please. Talk to your Local about how you can listen to the call.

The AT&T Shareholder meeting will be held April 27, 2012. Rumor has it the meeting will be held at 9:00 AM in Salt Lake City. Request your paper proxy and Annual Report by calling 888-756-2632, leave your name and address where the information should be sent. Hold on to your proxies for further instructions from your Local.

If you haven’t signed up for text message reports yet, you can get them by texting ATT to 69866. Bargaining reports and pictures for all 4 contracts can be found at

Report all violations of our right to concerted actions to and your District or Sector Staff. You will likely be directed to file charges against the Company for violating our right to participate in concerted activities.

Mobilization reports and pictures should be sent to your District Mobilization Coordinator. If your Local President and Local Mobilization Coordinator have not been receiving flyers or information, please let us know.

Send pictures and mobilization reports to your mobilization coordinators:

D1 Chris Wise

D2/13 Mary Lou Schaffer

D3 Glenda Poindexter

D4 Dave Skotarczyk

D6 Sarah Harreus

D7/D9 Shari Wojtowicz

Staff Rep Jim Cosgrove

If you have any problems or questions, call your District Staff person or the National T&T Office.

Stand Strong. Stay Mobilized.