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AT&T Legacy T Bargaining Report #20

The AT&T and CWA bargaining teams did not meet together today. We are working on proposals and responses to the Company demands.

Tonight we will hold a call with Local officers to fill them in on the status of bargaining and mobilization.

We have received strike vote counts from some Locals, but the deadline is tomorrow afternoon. We are hoping for a strong strike vote from our members; not just a strong percentage, but a large number of you voting in favor of allowing the CWA Executive Board to call a strike, if necessary.

We also need increased mobilization activity and strike preparation going on in EVERY office so the Company understands that we are serious about defending our benefits and fighting for job security. You will also be getting instructions soon about the PROXY statements you have received for AT&T’s Annual Shareholders Meeting, so hold off on doing anything with them until you hear from us.

Also remember, a safe, quality job, following every AT&T procedure, is what every customer deserves. We are fighting, not just for ourselves, but for every customer of AT&T.

Your bargaining team