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AT&T Legacy T Mobilization Report #5

THE STRIKE VOTE HAS BEEN COUNTED. AN AVERAGE OF 93.5% ACROSS ALL FOUR CONTRACTS VOTED IN FAVOR OF GIVING THE CWA EXECUTIVE BOARD AUTHORIZATION TO CALL A STRIKE AGAINST AT&T. In the Legacy T unit, 93% approved it. Every one of you that voted YES understood how important this vote is to give your bargaining teams the power they need to keep pushing for our interests at the bargaining table. We hope the Company clearly understands that we have the support of our members.

Have your members sign up for Wednesday’s call at 8:00 PM EST on April 4th at Mobilization and strike preparation next week is more important than ever as we enter the final days before expiration.

Members around the country are preparing for a strike when the contract expires next weekend. Locals have posted picket assignments and started putting together resource information for our members in the event of a strike. Member Relief Fund Training has also been completed in most Locals around the country.

Media training has been scheduled for each of the Locals’ designated Public Relations person. We will continue to have a unified message as we move our fight against AT&T’s corporate greed into our communities.

The “Ban the Razor” campaign is spreading around the company, and members continue to turn in branded apparel and other items marked with the AT&T logo. Retirees have been participating in actions all around the country and are ready to join active workers as we step up mobilization.

While our bargaining team is negotiating our contract, it is important that our members at home are doing a Quality Job Safely every time. Customers and safety are our number one priorities. We are the network, for both Wireline and wireless.

Locals have sent people to the 99Spring training to help build coalitions of the 99% across the country with other organizations and in our communities. Our struggles are not just against AT&T, but against all corporations like them that make up the greedy 1%.

Locals are either holding or planning break/lunchroom chats where members can come in and talk to Officers, Stewards, or Mobilizers about mobilization and bargaining.

Here are reports of what is happening in some Locals:

Local 1152 handed out mobilization packages to members. In the packages were yellow crime tape, because it is a crime how the Company is treating us and our healthcare; a Red balloon so the Company will not deflate our benefits and hopes; and finally gloves and surgical masks to remind the Company not to mess with our healthcare. Everyone has decorated their desks. All you see is red balloons and yellow crime tape!!

Local 1153 is conducting weekly info pickets on Wednesdays and mass walk in on Thursdays.

Local 2204 members at the Virginia Relay Center in Norton, VA posted the Leprechaun leaflet on the Union bulletin board area along with a copy of the latest bargaining report, as well as copying both for distribution among members. Health care flyers and stickers were also handed out. They distributed information about the Local website to keep members informed. They had another informational picket line on Wednesday as they have been doing. A strong strike vote was received.

Local 2252 held a public demonstration with the rat at the Drainsville, VA office on March 27; pictures are posted on the National website. Members are participating in actions on the job, including clicking, wearing Red Thursdays, handing out information pieces, and attending meetings.

Local 3250 reports that mobilization went GREAT this week. Informational rallies were held at both the Alpharetta and Morosgo locations with lots of support from the public. Members inside continue to stand and make noise hourly. The strike authorization vote was completed. Three flyers were distributed to the members on "Why Wear Red", with each flyer stating major bullets on what the Company is proposing.

Local 3902 continues to show solidarity by wearing RED Thursday and BLACK Friday. They have RED/BLACK ribbons to wear every day. They also started the strike vote & DRF process. The Local was trained for mobilization and completed the strike vote this week. Great turnout! On Wednesday this week, they celebrated no take back holidays. They dressed in holiday gear to show the Company DON'T TOUCH, HANDS OFF. On Thursday they cooked out for members in a sea of RED. FIRED UP! Count down!

Locals 4250 & 4252 mobilized around a strong YES strike vote. Members continue to wear red Thursdays.

Local 6143 distributed magnets saying "Fighting for the American Dream" & "Proud to be Union". Magnets were placed on lockers in the common area break room. Flyers were distributed for an Informational Picket scheduled for the Friday the 30th strike vote election. Members received small bags of red "Hot Tamale" candy with a note reminding everyone to wear red on Thursday.

Local 6150 took a strong strike vote. Members are continuing to work safely and wear Red Thursdays.

Local 6201 is keeping members informed on the take backs proposed by AT&T, and the Local’s mobilization action plans to counter them. It is eye-opening for many members to see the Legacy T portion of the Local continue to shrink. The WTF stickers are a big hit, and the Local would like information on how to get more; the D6 members also want to use them for their bargaining next year.

Local 6350 focused on the strike vote this week, and attempted to reach EVERY member they could to bring in a good strike vote; they set up in the lobby where the scab mangers had to walk past them all day. They made buttons out of the WTF stickers and passed them out. The members really like them. They handed out a flyer this week with Randall's picture on it; he was holding a big bag of money and the flyer asked for our share. They are still using the clickers, as well as wearing red on Thursday and Black on Friday. They are getting the word out about working to the rule and following EVERY policy, and will be picketing next week and taking their personal belongings home.

Local 6450 focused on receiving a strong authorization strike vote this week. A successful rally and public demonstration against AT&T’s greed was held in downtown Kansas City, MO on Wednesday 3/28. It was joined by members of CWA Locals 6450, 6360, 6327, the postal workers’ union, Jobs with Justice, and occupy KC, and received much support from the public. Members continue to make noise EVERY hour, wear WTF stickers every day, RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays. There are several scabs continuing to be trained in their building; they have asked all members to watch their backs and make sure no one is following them in their secured door, as that would be a COBC. Many of these scabs have no way of getting in the building without assistance. Members continue to BOYCOTT AT&T apparel until they get a fair contract, several FREE shirts and other stuff from the Company this week. “Thank you again to our bargaining team who is fighting for a fair contract for us.”

Local 7050 got a solid YES strike vote and continues to focus on safety and quality. Members are turning in their branded apparel.

Local 7250 beat back the Company’s attempt to stop inside actions. Mobilizers met at the Union hall to make picket signs and put together strike preparedness packets for members, so they will know what resources are available to them in their communities in the event of a strike.

Local 7750 held a flagpole rally and focused on receiving a strong strike vote. The Acronym/slogan flyer contest is underway, and the members wear Red Thursdays & Black Fridays.

Local 13550 members handed out the WTF stickers and clickers to make more noise every day 3X a day while standing. They distributed red wrist bands "United We Bargain, Divided We Beg" to all members to wear daily. The last shipment of T-shirts "Fighting for the American Dream" were ordered and delivered, so members continue to wear RED on Thursday and Black on Friday. They passed out "The Rat Pack" flyer for members to post on their PODS and added more 20X20 signs inside and all over the office. Joe Mell and Mary Lou Schaffer appeared on the Working Families Local Radio Network on Tuesday to discuss bargaining with AT&T while getting the word out to the public. They conducted the final mobilization training to engage Local members.

Local 13552 members continue to wear red and provide quality service and work safely.

The AT&T Shareholders meeting will be held April 27, 2012. Rumor has it the meeting will be held at 9:00 AM in Salt Lake City. Request your paper proxy and Annual Report by calling 888-756-2632; leave your name and address where the information should be sent. Hold on to your proxies for further instructions from your Local.

If you haven’t signed up for text message reports yet, you can get them by texting ATT to 69866. Bargaining reports and pictures for all 4 contracts can be found at

Report all violations of our right to concerted actions to and your District or Sector Staff. You will likely be directed to file charges against the Company for violating our right to participate in concerted activities.

Mobilization reports and pictures should be sent to your District Mobilization Coordinator. If your Local President and Local Mobilization Coordinator have not been receiving flyers or information, please let us know.

Send pictures and mobilization reports to your mobilization coordinators:

D1 Chris Wise
D2/13 Mary Lou Schaffer

D3 Glenda Poindexter
D4 Dave Skotarczyk
D6 Sarah Harreus
D7/D9 Shari Wojtowicz
Staff Rep Jim Cosgrove

If you have any problems or questions, call your District Staff person or the National T&T Office.

Stand Strong. Stay Mobilized.