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AT&T Legacy T Bargaining Report #26

It is remarkable that with only three full days of bargaining left before expiration, the Company arrived at the table with ONE proposal. They made some movement on a demand the Union made on Personnel Records. Then they rejected a Union proposal that would have brought a little fairness to Union Representatives who are denied FMLA coverage because of their unpaid Union time. This would not cost the Company ONE DIME, but they would not budge.

After the formal session we met in subcommittees on subcontracting, absence, and home garaging.

In addition, they still have not responded to a Union request for information on how much the Company will save with their outrageous Health Care proposal. They probably had a gang of economists working to come up with the phony charts they showed us on day one (remember the one that said our call center representatives make $67,000 a year and will get 116% of that as retirement income?). Now that WE need information to respond to their proposal, they cannot come up with the figures. One thing we clearly know – we are NOT having our members pay 32% of the cost of Health Care in a company as profitable as AT&T.

Thanks to District 9 for this information pulled from this year’s Proxy materials for the shareholders meeting:

“Here is a Company who pays its CEO Stephenson over 19 million dollars in compensation; $27,000.00 in Auto Benefits; $132,000.00 of Personal Use of Company Aircraft; $18,000.00 in Phone/Broadband; $5,700.00 in Country Club Fees; $14,000.00 in Financial Counseling; $9,000.00 in Home Security; $12,000.00 in supplemental Health Insurance Premiums, for Total Compensation of $22,018,334.00.”

We have not gotten one positive response on subcontracting, pensions, or employment security.

Use these last days well to show the Company how outraged you are at their behavior during this bargaining.

Your bargaining team