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AT&T Legacy T Mobilization Report #8

Though the Company drags their feet at the table, MEMBERS STEP UP MOBILIZATION!

Tax day found a flutter of activity nationwide as the truth about AT&T’s taxes was distributed in EVERY major city across the country. Customers & the public were appalled to discover, while they are paying their fair share, how little AT&T actually pays in taxes. Locals reported that the actions were joined by Retirees, Activists, 99%, Labor and Community groups.

Our members continue to provide the best possible service with the highest level of quality while making sure each worker is following all safety measures. We are the Network for both Wireline and Wireless and we remain dedicated to helping our customers.

AT&T remains one of the greediest companies and has proven, with its continued mass layoffs and by sending good middle-class jobs offshore to other countries, that they don’t care about workers, our families, our communities, or the economic stability of this country.

Our fight is our communities’ fight. Thousands of CWA Members & Activists completed training with 99% Spring either in person or on-line. For those of you that have not attended yet, it’s not too late. Participating in training is even easier than ever. You can sign up for online training at You can also join or plan actions on that website. Our Fight for the American Dream is against the greediest 1%, including AT&T. Become part of this great movement today.

As we continue MOBILIZATION PHASE 3, we will continue to bring our message forward to the public. If you haven’t had a chance to read the report, check out: which outlines many of the low road options AT&T has already taken.

Saturday April 28 is National Worker’s Memorial Day. This is the day that we bring forward issues like the importance of OSHA and workplace safety. Honor our CWA Brothers and Sisters and those that have died on the job: Find an action near you by visiting

If you don’t have plans for Thursday, May 3rd, join a Nationwide event with the 99% Spring, other community partnerships & coalitions as we support our Sisters and Brothers in CWA at Verizon who continue to work past contract expiration. Click on the following link for more information:

Here are some of the actions happening across the country:

Local 1150 handed out tax flyers at the Church St. and 34th St. post offices along with AT&T stores, and for our final push activists went to the Stock exchange and got the help from some "Occupy Wall Street & 99%'ers". It was a good day. Over 800 flyers were distributed in the community. Meanwhile members are clicking at 11:50am every day and wearing RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays.

Local 1152 rallied with the 99%, other community groups, and labor unions. The theme was “dodge ball” and the 1% that dodge taxes. 4 dodge balls were autographed by the representatives of the 99% and delivered to corporate tax dodgers. One of the balls was delivered to the Syracuse AT&T office. But of course, the district manager would not personally accept it; he dodged it! Members are still participating in actions on the job including Standing Up and wearing RED & BLACK.

Local 1153 handed out over 800 leaflets along with other CWA Locals and the 99%. Members went to several different Post Offices. Inside actions continue.

Local 2252 members passed out the tax flyers this week and held a rally in front of the Oakton Office. Workers are clicking at random times and wearing RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays. One member has been creating themed flyers and sharing them with the country. (Thanks Tommy!)

Local 3250 reports that Mobilization went well this week. In addition to clicking, standing, and making noise, members added chants of "Fired Up" and "Ready to Go". One second level manager came out and asked the members to stop, that he/she would write them up. Members continued to chant. Members also went into the “football area” as it is called and clicked. The clicking echoed throughout the floor and another manager came out and asked the members to stop. Members continued to click and will continue this activity until the contract is negotiated.

Local 3902 members held a rally this week. Pictures are available on the Telecommunications and Technologies website. Members remain active and engaged in mobilization on the job.

Local 4250 members are wearing RED and mobilizers have been handing out flyers to keep everyone up to date about what is happening at the bargaining table. Chicago members participated in actions on Tax Day exposing AT&T and other corporations that don’t pay their fair share of taxes.

Local 4252 members are wearing RED. Some have committed to wearing it every day until we get a fair contract. Members are wearing RED bracelets. Information has been distributed on quality and safety on the job. Chicago members participated in Tax Day actions against AT&T partnering with community activists as the 99%.

Local 4998 mobilizers are keeping members informed, and members are wearing RED weekly.

Local 6150 members remain engaged in actions inside, and joined the 99% in Tax Day actions, bringing information to the community exposing AT&T as a bad corporate citizen for not paying their fair share of taxes.

Local 6201 continues their custom of walking in together at 9:55. Instead of doing it in silence this week, members chanted, “What do we want? A contract. When do we want it? NOW!” This was repeated 4 times, which caught management by surprise. Members are standing and demanding “We want a fair contract”, as well as other noisemaking actions. The takebacks proposed by AT$T are openly discussed, and what would be lost if a tentative agreement was reached today. Quality on the job remains a focus of the members in Texas.

Local 6350 continues to make noise every day, wearing RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays. Members remind management that they are ready to strike. On Tax Day members were joined by other community activists and passed out the AT&T tax leaflet at HR Block and Post Office. It was sad to hear that the public hates AT&T; almost everyone that spoke to the activists said they despise AT&T. Company VP Monica Tufts visited the office and was presented with cards from members asking for a FAIR contract.

Local 6450 started this week with irate members, as the Company sent out emails stating the email work was going away MAY 1. WTF? Members went to several post offices handing out flyers to the public. Most people were not surprised by the fact AT&T only pays less than 2% of taxes & wanted to know what they could do to help make a difference. Inside actions continue including wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, random clapping and sporadic noisemaking all week. Local Mobilizers have an awesome text message and email tree and are able to change actions quickly. It drives management crazy!!! As of this report, Local 6450’s email work at AT&T will be staying in Lee’s Summit. WE THANK THE BARGAINING TEAM FOR PUSHING THE ISSUE, but the members remain committed to drawing attention to keeping jobs in the United States.

Local 7050 members remain committed to workplace quality and safety. Members joined the community and 99% Spring in public actions drawing attention to the corporate tax issue including AT&T.

Local 7200 members changed the font color they type with in Q to RED and many joined the CWA Proud status campaign. Leaders created a flyer to remind members what it was like at AT&T before CWA. Members continue to wear RED Thursdays.

Local 7250 members distributed over 1000 flyers in the public on Tax Day in just 2 hours. A lunchtime demonstration was held Thursday afternoon where members received much support from the public. They continue to stand 2-3 times daily and walk around the office 2 times daily. WTF buttons are worn by the members daily. Many are boycotting the Company’s March of Dimes annual fundraiser, and instead are walking for team CWA Minnesota. You can help this action by forming your own team or donate by clicking on this link:

Local 7750 members continue to participate in on-the-job actions including break walks, flagpole meetings, wearing RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays. Retirees & active members participated in the Denver Tax Day events against AT&T and other corporations that don’t pay their share of taxes.

Local 9423 was locked out for wearing the WTF stickers. Read more about it on the D9 Contract page available through Legacy T members around the country are taking pictures with their WTF stickers, buttons, and signs in support of the actions management took against our Sisters and Brothers in California. Send them to

Local 13500 members make noise every hour on the hour. Members wear RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays and continue with ergonomic health breaks throughout the week.

Local 13550 members distributed leaflets on Tax Day to let the public know that AT&T continues to dodge their fair share of taxes. Inside actions continued inside with the “Talking Tom” APP; repeating to managers “NO CONTRACT – NO PEACE” randomly on a daily basis. Members were reminded "Why we wear Red" and hung the information in their cubes. PA is standing increasingly and making noise at all levels. Members are wearing Fighting for the American Dream T-Shirts, RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays and most importantly the WTF buttons DAILY.

The Locals would all like to again thank our Elected Bargaining Team, T&T Staff, Support, Research Department and Vice President Maly for all of their dedication and commitment, sacrificing time away from their families, long hours and tremendous work they are putting in to help get the fair contract that we all deserve.

Many Locals are holding break/lunchroom chats where members can come in and talk to Officers, Stewards, or Mobilizers about mobilization and bargaining.

The AT&T Shareholder meeting will be held April 27, 2012 at 9:00 AM in Salt Lake City. Instructions on how to vote your proxy were sent to Locals. It may be too late to request your proxy on paper in time for the meeting, but you can still vote online.

If you haven’t signed up for text message reports yet, you can get them by texting ATT to 69866. Bargaining reports and pictures for all 4 contracts can be found at

Report all violations of our right to concerted actions to and your District or Sector Staff. You will likely be directed to file charges against the Company for violating our right to participate in concerted activities.

Mobilization reports and pictures should be sent to your District Mobilization Coordinator. If your Local President and Local Mobilization Coordinator have not been receiving flyers or information, please let us know.

Send pictures and mobilization reports to your mobilization coordinators:

D1 Chris Wise
D2/13 Mary Lou Schaffer
D3 Glenda Poindexter
D4 Dave Skotarczyk
D6 Sarah Harreus
D7/D9 Shari Wojtowicz
Staff Rep Jim Cosgrove

Mobilization Coordinators: If you are unsure what to do during Mobilization Phase 3, please contact your District Coordinator above.

If you have any problems or questions, call your District Staff person or the National T&T Office.

Stand Strong. Stay Mobilized