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AT&T Legacy T - Mobilization Report #9

Over 3 weeks past expiration, members are still going strong with mobilization and have committed to increase actions until we reach a fair contract. Contact your Local President or Local Mobilization Coordinator to find out more about actions in your area. (see separate report on the Shareholders meeting on April 27.)

Back at the Locals, the day of the Shareholders’ Meeting -- Locals participated in a nationwide health break, drawing attention to safety concerns and highlighting Workers Memorial Day honoring people that have lost their lives on the job. Many members joined actions in their communities for Workers Memorial Day as well. CWA remains committed to our fight for workplace safety.

If you witness any unsafe working conditions or OSHA violations, report them to your Local Stewards or Officers. You can also contact OSHA directly and then notify your Local Union. Make sure your safety and protective gear is functioning properly.

The AT&T Branded item collections continue in many Locals. Members are turning in everything the company has given them (Trash & Trinket’s) instead of investing in a fair contract with affordable healthcare. Keep filling up those boxes! Give them to your Local Officers for a future action.

The ban the razor campaign that started in District 9 is getting even hairier!!! We have many members (especially technicians) that haven’t shaved since CWA was notified of the company’s intent to change its’ appearance guidelines next year to include no facial hair among other ridiculous policies.

Our members continue to provide the best possible service with the highest level of quality while making sure to each worker is following all safety measures. We are the Network for both Wireline and Wireless and we remain dedicated to helping our customers.

Here are some of the reports from Locals around the country:

Local 1058 members participated in demonstrations at the Piscataway and Bedminster locations. Members are getting creative on the job.

Local 1150 members are dedicated to getting a fair contract. Inside mobilization actions continue daily.

Local 1152 wears RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays and continues actions on the job.

Local 2204 continued their weekly action parking next to facility with signs in their cars and red balloons. The signs read “CWA is asking AT&T to rethink and bargain a fair contract”. Members wear RED shirts weekly and participated in an action on April 27 wearing black arm bands to show solidarity while upper management visited their Relay center.

Local 2252 members passed out flyers. Made WTF flags within the office for all desks (check out the pictures in the photo album!) Four activists went to Salt Lake City, Utah to participate in the CWA Actions at the AT&T Shareholders meeting. Members continue inside mobilization activities like clicking and sounding off in the office. Randall the inflatable rat has been making his rounds at every public demonstration 2252 member’s hold at the various AT&T locations. Management took down some mobilization materials at one location, NLRB charges are pending.

Local 3106 members held a rally which was attended by many members and received much community support. Inside actions continue including workers standing or tapping pencils at the top of every hour. Members are wearing RED Monday, Wednesday & Thursday and BLACK Friday.

Local 3250 is standing strong across all of its’ locations. Members are wearing RED Thursday and BLACK Friday. Guards in Atlanta were caught off guard Friday when they found members holding a rally inside the building on the bridge connecting the East & West towers. In Alpharetta members held a similar action in the atrium of their building. Members at both locations chanted and marched for a fair contract.

Local 4050/4090 members remain solid. Their commitment to customers continues while they mobilize on the job.

Local 4217 turned out members from every department Saturday morning at a demonstration before work to support their Sisters and Brothers that were scheduled to face the bosses this weekend.

Local 4250 members wear fighting for the American dream buttons. They are spreading the “CWA Proud” Q message status, and continue to wear RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays.

Local 4252 mobilizers have been distributing leaflets to keep members informed on bargaining, members are wearing red bracelets in support of a fair contract, RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays. Some members committed to wear red daily until an agreement is reached. The collection of AT&T branded items grows.

District 6 Locals stand behind all workers across all AT&T contracts. Though their contract doesn’t expire until April 2013, members have been supporting actions in their areas with the 99% and other CWA Locals.

Local 6201 continues their daily walk-in silently. Some days once they are all inside they begin to chant. Concerted actions inside continue including standing and demanding “We want a fair contract”. The daily tapping action times are changed everyday to keep the company on their toes. Members are returning branded items to the mobilizer collection bins. Quality and service remain the focus on every call. Mobilizers are sharing bargaining updates with all members. Actions began around the 1st Quarter profit announcement, members are writing messages to the company.

Local 6450 members are dedicated to getting a fair contract. Inside actions include: making noise throughout the day, shaking pill bottle, tapping and clapping at random times. Members start clapping at 11 min past the hour with the chant “Let’s go Union”! Members wear RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays. 6450 knows customers are #1 and demonstrating that quality care takes time. Members have begun boycotting the excused non-paid time that the company is offering. It appears that much of the work is being done by they contingency work force that AT&T hired to replace CWA in the event of a strike, and to make up for the wages… the company is asking the CWA members to go home without pay. Several members attended a CWA 99% spring training held by CWA staff. Workers memorial day flyers were distributed. The Local is building support for their rally against outsourcing and off shoring jobs.

Local 7050 continues the branded apparel boycott and the ban the razor campaign. Members have also been sending email to Randall Stephenson in response to the 1st quarter 2012 profit announcement.

Local 7250 held their weekly lunchtime demonstration. This week members were joined by Local 7200, MN AFL-CIO, St Paul Regional Labor Federation, CWA-TNG, UNITE HERE, Take Action MN among other community & labor partners. Members participate in 2 daily stand up’s followed by a walk around the office & continue to wear RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays. The trash & trinket collection is growing.

Local 7750 has filed 2 NLRB charges against the company for interfere with concerted actions. Despite managements attempt to stop Union activities, mobilizers and members continue with on the job actions including: wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, & break walks. This week they held a DIRT flag pole rally, with dirt bags and sand bags. The sand bags represented how CWA stands strong against dirt bags.

Local 9404 members escalated the branded apparel boycott by cutting the logos out of their work shirts so the CWA logo on their t-shirt underneath would show through. Though members have been threatened with discipline, they remain solid in their actions. Management took information down from the Union bulletin board in one location, NLRB charges are pending.

Local 9003 members stood strong against the company as they showed support for the CWA members harmed during the WTF campaign. The Local continues solidarity actions across all bargaining units.

Local 9415 members are mobilized across both the Legacy S & Legacy T contracts and continue their actions on the job and out in the public. Members joined in solidarity around the WTF issues created by the company.

Local 9505 members hold rallies before work and walk in together. They rallied around the WTF issue. Call center workers hold job actions daily & Premise Technicians remain strong across the District.

Local 13550 activists passed out leaflets Corporate Greed and keeping jobs in Pittsburgh. Members continue to wear WTF buttons daily. They have increased standing and noise activities to each half hour, increasing noise levels to let AT&T know they are waiting for a fair contract. Members are also wearing Fighting for the American Dream T-Shirts, RED Thursday and BLACK Friday. On April 27th members honored Workers Memorial Day by taking a coordinated health break.

Thanks to all of the T&T Locals that sent in WTF pictures in support of the actions taken against our Sisters and Brothers in District. The company and District 9 VP have reached an agreement in relation to the WTF stickers & the Premise Technicians. What an amazing show of solidarity by the workers across the District & the country. WTG with WTF mobilization!

For the first time in over 2 months, our elected bargaining team got to return home for the weekend. On behalf of all of the members represented under the CWA Operations agreement in Legacy T, we would like to thank you for your dedication and commitment to getting us the contract that we all need and deserve. We hope that you were able to enjoy your short time home. We will do whatever it takes in the field to help apply pressure on the company in hopes of reaching a resolution quickly.

Our fight is our communities fight. Thousands of CWA Members & Activists completed training with 99% Spring either in person or on-line. For those of you that have not attended yet, it’s not too late. Participating in training is even easier than ever. You can sign up for online training at You can also join or plan actions on that website. Our Fight for the American Dream is against the greediest 1%, including AT&T. Become part of this great movement today.

As we continue MOBILIZATION PHASE 3, we will continue to bring our message forward to the public. If you haven’t had a chance to read the report, check out: which outlines many of the low road options AT&T has already taken.

If you experience a change in working conditions, please report them to your Local Officers or Stewards and Also report all violations of our right to concerted actions to and your District or Sector Staff. You will likely be directed to file charges against the Company for violating our right to participate in concerted activities.

Mobilization reports and pictures should be sent to your District Mobilization Coordinator. If your Local President and Local Mobilization Coordinator have not been receiving flyers or information, please let us know.

Send pictures and mobilization reports to your mobilization coordinators:

D1 Chris Wise
D2/13 Mary Lou Schaffer
D3 Glenda Poindexter
D4 Dave Skotarczyk
D6 Sarah Harreus
D7/D9 Shari Wojtowicz
Staff Rep Jim Cosgrove

Mobilization Coordinators: If you are unsure what to do during Mobilization Phase 3 please contact your District Coordinator above.

If you have any problems or questions, call your District Staff person or the National T&T Office.

Stand Strong. Stay Mobilized.