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Legacy T Tentative Agreement Summary

Attached is an initial summary of the changes bargained in the Tentative Agreement. A more detailed report will be provided to the Presidents at the Contract Explanation Meeting on Friday, July 27, for distribution to members in preparation for the ratification vote.

This was a very challenging round of bargaining. The general economic and political situation created a very hostile environment, paired with a company looking for massive cost shifting and a long list of retrogressive demands.

The Company did not accomplish most of their goals. We maintained and improved our job security language with no layoffs until April 1, 2013. Large additional lump sums have been added to every CBA account, with additional money for those over age 55 who are close to retirement. While we did accept higher health care costs, it is not close to the 32% cost share the Company tried to achieve, and we were able to bargain a wage package that substantially covers more than the increased cost of health care. Improvements were also negotiated in several of the functional articles.

Your Bargaining Team sincerely believes it is the best Contract we could bargain at this time; it provides substantial improvements for our members and the team absolutely recommends ratification.

We would like to thank all the Locals and members who participated in Mobilization activity and the Mobilization Coordinators who worked so hard on the training and co-ordination of the mobilization plan.

Your Legacy T Bargaining Team