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Bargaining resumed today and after the Company rejected the Union’s proposal on the New Letter of Agreement-Electronic Monitoring; your bargaining committee packed it in and walked away from the bargaining table. You would think that the company who depends on you to deliver world class customer service and to produce record breaking revenue would want to hear how you feel about your work environment. Once again we pointed out the outrageous sweatshop conditions that exist in the call center environment and how their excessive and abusive monitoring impedes your ability to perform. We pointed out the fact that many employees are on medication to deal with the stress and micro managing they face each and every day. To make a long story short, they don’t care!

The afternoon session didn’t go any better. The Company passed their Economic proposal which quite frankly is an insult. You basically aren’t worth much to this “high profit making machine” as so appropriately stated by the Union bargaining chair.

If you don’t have a clear picture yet, we aren’t sure how much more you need to see.

Mobilization activities need to be at an all time high. Give your bargaining committee the power it needs to achieve a fair contract through the strike votes taking place. Strike schedules will be posted shortly. Please check with your Locals for additional information.

No bargaining meetings have been scheduled for tomorrow. Your bargaining committee will pass on additional information as it becomes available.