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US Airways: Member Mobilization Makes All the Difference

By Tom Gunning

Last June, after more than two decades of fighting on behalf of his coworkers, Brad Butterworth found himself battling management for his own job. Brad, a veteran customer service representative, supervisor, and union steward at Boston, was wrongfully fired based on a false accusation of fraud. He turned to his local CWA board, fellow stewards, and members for support, and they stood shoulder-to-shoulder with him until he got his job back.

During the cursory investigation of management’s allegation that Brad had entered an incorrect frequent flyer number and not charged the appropriate amount for a few seats, the company ignored all the evidence Brad and his local union presented, evidence that cleared him of any wrongdoing. The passenger had the same name as another frequent flyer and never used the seats due to a schedule change. There was no revenue lost, and Brad demonstrated that he had acted in accordance with normal company policies. When he asked for proof of the charges against him, “They had no answers, no waiver codes, no proof of malice or intent.”

Despite Brad’s years of service, his flawless record, and the lack of a case from the company, Brad was terminated.

In response, his coworkers took action to show management that they spoke with one voice in support of their union brother. A majority of customer service agents, members of CWA, and ramp workers, members of IAM, proudly wore stickers that said simply: BRAD. (Brad was a member of IAM when he worked the ramp.)

When the company realized that a majority of the agents—not only the usual activists—were ready to take collective action against this injustice, Brad was reinstated. “It took 30 days and two hearings to get my job back,” he says, “Having my union brothers and sisters on my side and seeing so many come out to support me made all the difference.”

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