VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 6
Your Bargaining Team met today with VCS and presented additional proposals to the Company. The six demands that were presented by your committee related to the following:
Grievance Procedure
Sick Time
Light Duty Assignment
Your committee is scheduled to reconvene tomorrow June 20th at 10:00 am for a presentation by the Company concerning their overall retrogressive Health Care Proposal. It’s time for everyone to understand that VCS is not playing games when it comes to their retrogressive demands to date. It is clear that the Company is demanding givebacks in every aspect of your working life. From sick days to overtime to health care, the Company is intent on moving everyone backwards no matter how much it hurts each individual and their families. You give to this Company everyday but they want more no matter what the cost is to you. It’s time to stand up and tell the Company that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and that WE WILL NOT GO BACKWARDS.
Now more than ever we need to mobilize
Mobilize – Mobilize - Mobilize
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