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American Airlines Bargaining Update: September 2023

The CWA-IBT Bargaining Committee reports:

Your CWA-IBT Association Bargaining Committee met with American Airlines management this week in our twelfth round of bargaining for a new contract.

The Company presented the Union with a comprehensive proposal that includes wages, benefits, and open contract language.

The Company presented proposals on:

  • Article 3 Recognition and Scope
  • Article 4 Groups and Classifications
  • Article 5 Hours of Work
  • Article 6 Customer Service Overtime
  • Article 7 Reservations Overtime
  • Article 9 Filling of Vacancies
  • Article 14 Recall
  • Article 15 Furlough Benefits
  • Article 17 Leaves of Absence
  • Article 18 Sick Leave
  • Article 19 Holiday Vacation
  • Article 20 Vacations
  • Article 25 Grievance Procedure
  • Article 26 System Board
  • Article 27 Insurance Retirement
  • Article 28 Retirement Plan
  • Article 32 Call Monitoring
  • Article 34 General and Miscellaneous
  • Article 36 Compensation
  • Article 37 Duration & Profit Sharing

The Union responded to Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 28, and 37.

The Union was able to reach agreements in principle on Article 14 (Recall), Article 15 (Furlough), Article 28 (Retirement Plan), and Article 37 (Profit Sharing).

The Company is true to the commitment of CEO Robert Isom to pay industry wages so American Airlines agents are not behind Delta and/or United, however the Company also wants to have the scope and work rules match Delta and United. As you may know, there is no union at Delta, so they have no protection. United does not have ratios of office and home-based representatives or a cap on when calls could be sent overseas, as we have in our contract. There are also concerns about technology at the airports. The Company does not believe we need a no furlough clause.

(See this chart to compare protections).

Every member must participate in their Local's mobilizations to Save Our Scope. Contact your local for information.

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