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AT&T Legacy T Bargaining Report #14

Reject! Reject! Reject! Today it was our turn to refuse to accept Company proposals to eliminate Sunday differentials, eliminate double time overtime payments, and eliminate ALL paid illness absences. Vice President Maly said clearly – “Here we are in the fourth week of bargaining and the Company has NOT OFFERED ONE IMPROVEMENT. We are not here to do concessionary bargaining. The bargaining process is give and take – not just we give and you take.”

In addition, the Union resubmitted its demand to equalize Termination Pay throughout the contract to the Article 25 level, and responded to the Company demand to eliminate the day after Thanksgiving as a fixed holiday. We also continued to present data requests to the Company to better prepare for responses on some key issues. We are particularly concerned with the Company’s failure to respond to our request on their Health Care proposal.

Check out the very complete mobilization report posted today. Mobilizers around the country are meeting in DC today to plan strategy for the next few weeks. Out in the Locals the Strike Ballots have been received, and you members should all be receiving them soon. Vote YES and give your full support to your bargaining team, and prepare to take action. The best way to avoid a strike is a strong YES vote and letting the Company know we are willing and able to do whatever is necessary to get a fair agreement.

We are fighting for the American Dream.

Your Bargaining Team