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AT&T Legacy T Bargaining Report #18

The Union rejected the Company’s last absence proposal, which would not pay anyone for illness absence until AFTER the Third consecutive day (and limits paid days to a maximum of three a year.) We also rejected their proposal to eliminate the “tie back” rule, which could negatively affect certain members during layoffs. We also agreed to several Company proposals that did not change existing language, and a small improvement in some safety language.

We also rejected the Company’s proposals to drastically cut Alliance Funds. AT&T recently announced an increase in their ASPIRE program, which helps give educational opportunities to high school students, from $100 million to $250 million. While we applaud that program, we think they should have the same consideration to the Alliance program, which helps their own employees. We are not looking for close to $250 million, just to maintain what we have. As VP Maly pointed out:

  • Since its inception in 1986, the Alliance has served over 175,000 individuals with 16 million hours of training.
  • 53% of the eligible population utilizes the Alliance.
  • The average spent per participant in the past 2 years was $2200.
  • The Alliance spent $470,000 last year on individuals’ pre-paid tuition.

The majority of the session was taken up with the Union’s proposal on Health Care. Instead of increased costs to our members, our proposal focused on holding down the overall cost of Health Care through a Health and Wellness Program. “This goal will be achieved through reduced medical utilization as result of improvements in care coordination, treatment compliance with medical guidelines, patient safety, quality care and the overall health of members,” said CWA staff representative Martha Flagge in presenting the Union’s proposal. The plan includes incentives and lower co-pays for workers who have annual physicals and follow treatment plans prescribed by their doctors. Obviously the Company was “disappointed” in this proposal because their main concern is shifting the costs to us.

This is the week the strike vote is due from your Locals. IF you want to give your bargaining team the power to resist the Company’s outrageous demands and have a good shot at maintaining good benefits and working conditions, make sure your give them a strong YES vote and keep building your mobilization activities.

Your bargaining team