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AT&T Legacy T Mobilization Report #10

Members focused on multiple contract battles this week as they joined other CWA members, the 99% Spring, Labor Coalition and communities at actions against Verigreedy Verizon in addition to our own employer at&t.

Rallies sprung up outside of Verizon stores nationwide as CWAers were joined in our stand against corporate greed. Thousands of stores from New York to California were the focus of these actions, while our Sisters and Brothers stood strong outside and inside the Verigreedy Verizon shareholder meeting in Alabama.

Vice President Maly will be having a conference call with LOCAL PRESIDENTS ONLY this week. An email was sent over the weekend. Be sure to RSVP if you are a Local President that will be on the call. Presidents will follow up with their Local E-Boards, Stewards, Mobilizers, Activists and Members with the information from the call as appropriate. Please do not violate the PRESIDENTS ONLY request.

It’s time to apply public pressure to help move the bargaining table. If your Local mobilization committee is unsure what type of actions you should be doing, please contact your District Mobilization Coordinator listed below.

Don’t miss out on our Nationwide weekend actions: If your Local Mobilization Committee hasn’t contacted you… why don’t you ask them how you can participate? If you aren’t doing something to impact bargaining, who is?

Here are some of the actions that are happening around the country:

Local 1051 members wear RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays and are continuing actions including standing daily.

Local 1062 continues inside mobilization with members wearing RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays.

Local 1150 members make noise hourly while they stand for a fair contract wearing RED Thursdays & Black Fridays.

Local 1152 members continue wearing their red/black and kicking up the noise level, adding a daily chant during their stands.

Local 1153 rallies every week, wearing RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays. Members continue to stand daily.

Members in all of the NYC Locals participated in Verizon actions this week in solidarity against corporate greed.

Local 2204 continued their weekly action parking next to the facility with signs in their cars that read, “CWA is asking AT&T to rethink and bargain a fair contract”. Members wear RED shirts weekly.

Local 2252 members handed out signs to the membership reminding them that May 7 marks 30 days without a contract. Members are still doing inside mobilization standing, clicking and making noise.

Local 3106 inside actions continue including workers standing or tapping pencils at the top of every hour. Members are wearing RED Monday, Wednesday & Thursday and BLACK Friday.

Local 3250 is standing strong across all of its locations. Members are wearing RED Thursday and BLACK Friday and continued their weekly Friday afternoon rally inside at the Alpharetta location. Members participated in the actions at the Verizon Shareholder meeting in Huntsville, AL along with members from Local 3902 and the 99% spring movement.

District 3 Locals are beginning their mobilization campaign strategy in preparation for bargaining the SE contract, but remain dedicated to joining Legacy T actions as we continue mobilization.

Local 4250 members wear “Fighting for the American Dream” buttons. They are spreading the “CWA Proud” Q message status, and continue to wear RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays.

Local 4252 mobilizers have been distributing leaflets to keep members informed on bargaining. Members are wearing red bracelets in support of a fair contract, RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays. Some members committed to wear red daily until an agreement is reached. The collection of AT&T branded items continues to grow.

Local 6201’s customary unity walk in was done in silence. Members wore RED Thursday & BLACK Friday, WTF Stickers daily, and RED armbands that will be worn every day until a fair contract is reached. Members were advised of the slight movement that the Company made at the table, withdrawing the retrogressive proposals on termination pay & electronic monitoring language. The trash & trinket collection was completed, and members remain dedicated to do whatever it takes to get the contract we all deserve.

Local 6350 continued their tradition of weekly rallies, holding the latest on Thursday. Members wear RED Thursday, BLACK Friday and are making noise daily.

Local 6450 continues to support our bargaining team and mobilize on the job. Members wear RED Thursdays, Black Fridays, and continue to make noise inside and outside. An informational rally in Lee's Summit, MO was held around outsourcing/offshoring and the American Dream we are all fighting for. Members joined with coalition partners like JWJ, Occupy KC & members of the community for actions including a demonstration in downtown Kansas City, delivering bills for unpaid taxes to corporate tax cheats like Bank of America, AMC Theaters, Computer Sciences Corp, and KCP&L. Solidarity continued with a show of support for CWA members @ Verigreedy Verizon in their efforts for a fair contract, which included a stop in front of a store. 99% spring stickers were delivered to coalition partners and organizations with instructions on how they should be used! Members are dedicated to our Union and Stand up for our bargaining teams.

Local 7050 continues the branded apparel boycott and the Ban the Razor campaign. Members are wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, and are making sure they provide the highest quality of work at the highest level of safety.

Local 7250 active and retired members rallied for Verizon workers with Local 7200, IUE-CWA, TNG-CWA, Working America and other coalition partners against corporate greed. Over 1,000 flyers were distributed between the targeted locations. Workers are united for a fair contract at AT&T, wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, WTF Buttons daily, standing twice daily, and walking around the office in a show of solidarity.

Local 7750 reports that, despite management’s attempt to stop Union activities, mobilizers and members continue with on-the-job actions including: wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, & break walks.

Local 9415 members are mobilized across both the Legacy S & Legacy T contracts and continue their actions on the job and out in the public. Members started their letter-writing campaign and will continue throughout all locations.

Local 13500 members are wearing red every day and standing at 10:00 and 12 noon and making noise. Mobilizers also passed out stickers to the membership.

Local 13550 members passed out petitions addressed to Randall Stephenson and got the entire office to sign them before they were sent. Members updated their audix to include "Fighting for the American Dream" and participated in health break actions daily. The WTF buttons are worn daily. Standing & noise action frequency is now each half hour, increasing noise levels to let AT&T know we are waiting for a fair contract. Members wear “Fighting for the American Dream” T-Shirts, RED Thursday and BLACK Friday.

In addition to the “CWA Proud” Q status, members from almost every Local around the country have update voicemail, electronic signatures and out of office responses to include “AT&T, a CWA represented company Fighting for the American Dream.” Join the campaign today!!

Our fight is our communities’ fight. Thousands of CWA Members & Activists completed training with 99% Spring either in person or on-line. For those of you that have not attended yet, it’s not too late. Participating in training is even easier than ever. You can sign up for online training at You can also join or plan actions on that website. Our Fight for the American Dream is against the greediest 1%, including AT&T. Become part of this great movement today.

As we continue MOBILIZATION PHASE 3, we will continue to bring our message forward to the public. If you haven’t had a chance to read the report, check out: which outlines many of the low road options AT&T has already taken.

If you experience changes in working conditions, please report them to your Local Officers or Stewards and Also report all violations of our right to concerted actions to and your District or Sector Staff. You will likely be directed to file charges against the Company for violating our right to participate in concerted activities.

Mobilization reports and pictures should be sent to your District Mobilization Coordinator. If your Local President and Local Mobilization Coordinator have not been receiving flyers or information, please let us know.

Send pictures and mobilization reports to your mobilization coordinators:

D1 Chris Wise
D2/13 Mary Lou Schaffer
D3 Glenda Poindexter
D4 Dave Skotarczyk
D6 Sarah Harreus
D7/D9 Shari Wojtowicz
Staff Rep Jim Cosgrove

Mobilization Coordinators: If you are unsure what to do during Mobilization Phase 3 please contact your District Coordinator above.

If you have any problems or questions, call your District Staff person or the National T&T Office.

Stand Strong. Stay Mobilized.