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AT&T Legacy T Mobilization Report #21

Day 104 post expiration excitement of a Tentative Agreement with AT&T Legacy T was met with sorrow over the unexpected death of CWA District 4 Vice President Seth Rosen. Our sincerest condolences go out to the Rosen Family, and to our CWA family. He will be greatly missed.

You can find the Tentative Agreement summary on the following link:

There will be a meeting of Local Presidents or their designee (1 person per Local) in Baltimore on Friday, July 27, 2012, to hear the details about the agreement before the Final Bargaining Report is released to the membership for a ratification vote. Questions regarding the Tentative Agreement should be submitted to your Local President.

Mobilization in the field remained the force behind our bargaining committee as they negotiated our Legacy T contract with AT&T. All members that were active and engaged in this long fight with the Company should applaud themselves for the great work and difficult actions that were done across the country. Thanks to all those who participated in mobilization for doing an amazing job!

Our members must now take time to review the information regarding our tentative agreement, and make a decision that is best for each member and their family. Those votes will be collected by your Locals within the next 2 weeks.

Here are some of the reportable local actions from last week:

Local 1051 actions ramped up to include 5-minute stands four times each day; members make noise every hour on the hour, wear RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays. Inside members are also concerned about their health, so ergonomic breaks per Company policy are being followed.

Local 1062 mobilizers handed out healthcare flyers to members. Everyone wears RED Thursdays, works to the letter, and is boycotting overtime.

Local 1150 continues to hold weekly rallies; members wear RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, and make noise during their daily stands.

Local 1152 members hold mass walk-ins, stand daily, participate in weekly rallies, wear RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays. They continue boycotting the Company’s SOUP and participated in a retirement action.

Local 1153 members participate in weekly rallies, making noise and standing daily. They are also wearing RED Thursdays & BLACK Fridays.

Local 2204 members continue to wear Red on Thursdays and added large signs in the office, "Fighting for the American Dream" and "Stand Up for Workers’ Rights".

Local 2252 members are still doing inside mobilization: standing, clicking and making noise, and wearing red.

Local 3106 members take health breaks together every hour and wear RED Thursdays.

Local 3108 members are making noise three times every day and doing ergonomic exercises as a group.

Local 3207 continued the “Fight for the American Dream” with inside mobilization actions, including wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, standing up for 5 minutes twice daily, and taking hourly health breaks. The Local will continue to hold rallies and informational pickets in support of Districts 1, 3 & 9 bargaining.

Local 3250 members outside are dressing their passenger seat in a red t-shirt and “riding with a buddy”, and are putting gas in their trucks in $32.50 increments when they need fuel. Mobilizers participated in rallies, leafleting the public and communities. Inside actions include wearing RED Thursdays, BLACK Fridays, random noise, inside rallies, and keeping members informed.

Local 3603 members participate in inside actions including wearing RED Thursdays.

Local 3902 members continued the Overtime BOYCOTT, standing in solidarity every hour on the hour, and wearing RED & BLACK throughout the week. Activists remain engaged in public action.

Local 4250 members called Illinois Senators to support "Bring Jobs Home Act". Health breaks became more frequent as the week wore on. Red shirts as well as other CWA logo shirts remain prominent.

Local 4252 members continue to wear RED Thursdays and participate in outside actions.

Local 4340 members are engaging in mobilization actions on the job and in the public. Officers hold worksite meetings to keep members informed about bargaining and mobilization.

Local 4998 members show solidarity on the job by wearing RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays. Organizers continue to talk to workers at Best Buy and Radio Shack.

Local 6143 holds lunchtime rallies with officers outside and shows solidarity inside by standing together every 2 hours. They continue to wear “Fighting for the American Dream” shirts on Thursdays and BLACK Fridays.

Local 6150 continues to show support by standing every other hour making noise. Every Thursday they are wearing RED, and BLACK Fridays.

Local 6201 continues to walk in together followed by chanting and tapping actions. They wear their “WTF” stickers and RED arm bands daily. Members continue to provide the highest quality of customer service to each customer, and wear RED Thursdays and BLACK Fridays. Bargaining updates are distributed to the membership.

Local 6450 let the Company know members are not playing around last week, as we passed 100 days without a contract. They held a beach ball frenzy this week, with about 15 beach balls floating around the center; tossed them up and blew whistles every 2 hours. The balls had messages on them including “WTF”, “UNITY”, “100DAYS??”, “Fighting for the American Dream”. Members will continue to mobilize with Districts 1, 3 & 9. Local 6450 expressed their condolences for the family of VP Seth Rosen.

Local 7050’s branded apparel boycott continues, while members remained focus on quality of work and safety.

Local 7250 members continued with their weekly rally outside. Public handbills were distributed highlighting job security and corporate greed. Mini-Rallies in the elevator banks were held on each floor of the call center. The “Stop Corporate Greed” message could be heard by local businesses and customers throughout the building during both the rallies on the street and in the elevator banks. Technicians remained focused on quality and safety. Members called Senators to bring back and protect jobs in the U.S.

Local 7750 held a flagpole rally with a guest speaker from Congress. Activists and Mobilizers were joined by Retirees for an informational picket with noise makers. 9:00 A.M. walks continued, members wore RED Thursday, focused on health and safety on the job by taking ergonomic micro breaks, and leaflets were distributed.

Local 9415 in both the CNSC and LNS kept the pressure on management team every day in July. Members have been standing up twice daily and clicking for two minutes. Thursdays members all wear “American Dream: t-shirts to show solidarity. In-Charge assignment boycotts erupted. Public actions and leafleting have continued with Local 9421 in Sacramento. Pleasanton members wear RED Thursdays, pay attention to quality, and are working to rule. Members supported the Call Center bill and made calls to Representatives to urge their support.

Local 13500 members continue to wear RED Tuesdays and Thursdays and lots of members are wearing Red each day; they are standing and making noise every hour on the hour and take Health breaks on Friday.

Local 13550 passed out flyers this week instructing the members to call their Senators to support the bringing jobs back to USA S-2884. All members participated in a much-needed Health Break on Thursday and continue to wear WTF buttons daily. Members continue to make noise within the office each half hour to let AT&T know we are STILL waiting for a fair contract, wearing our “Fighting for the American Dream” T-Shirts, RED Thursday and BLACK Friday.

Local 13552 continues to wear red on Thursdays and black on Fridays to show solidarity.

The bargaining team would like to thank everyone for their ongoing participation in mobilization.

The Locals would like to thank the bargaining team for their hard work and personal sacrifice as they were away from their families since February.

Mobilization will continue until all CWA contracts with AT&T are settled. If you have any questions about upcoming mobilization you can contact your Local leaders or the Mobilization teams.

D1 Chris Wise
D2/13 Mary Lou Schaffer
D3 Glenda Poindexter
D4 Dave Skotarczyk
D6 Sarah Harreus
D7/D9 Shari Wojtowicz
Staff Rep Jim Cosgrove