Climate Reality 2024 Bargaining Report #1

On Thursday, February 8, the CWA Bargaining Committee reported:
The Union and the Employer met today to begin negotiating a fair first contract for our newly organized group. This was the first official meeting. Prior to this meeting your bargaining team has met for several months to prepare for these negotiations. The initial bargaining surveys were compiled and reviewed; one on one conversations took place; the employers handbook was reviewed, and other policies examined to help bring into focus proposals the Union will draft to reflect the necessary changes you want to see. CWA will send out a new bargaining survey to reflect any changes that may have occurred and to include all new hires who have joined Climate Reality since the last survey.
In attendance for the employer’s negotiating team was Dan Stiles (Climate Reality Chair), Joshua Beatty, Val Gonzalez and Phyllis Cuttino. Your CWA bargaining team consists of: Lisa Fazzini (CWA Chair); Julia Ridgely (Local 2336 representative); Sena Wazer; Ella Carlson; Vivienne Maxwell and Bailey Fullwiler.
In our opening statement to Climate Reality, the Union laid out some of the top priorities you have repeatedly voiced: pay equity in all titles and other pay treatment benefits to address overloading of work due to staffing changes; a clear promotions process; improving transparency on other work processes; remote work and accurately enhancing job descriptions/roles to align with pay and overtime eligibility. These are achievable items. Time will tell if Climate Reality is committed to improving your work environment as well.
Bargaining can be a long process but is a process that allows us to come together in a united front and have our voices heard. The bargaining committee looks forward to your support. We will continue to keep the membership updated throughout this process.
Your CWA Bargaining Team
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