Climate Reality 2024 Bargaining Report #5

The CWA Local 2336 Bargaining Committee released the following report from recent negotiations with Climate Reality:
Hello CWA Members:
On May 30th and June 6th, the Union and the Employer met for two more negotiation sessions. As of today, we have reached agreement on 10 proposals.
May 30th
The Union first reviewed with Climate Reality all outstanding proposals as well as proposals we have reached tentative agreements on. Then, the Union presented 3 counters and asked additional questions about Climate Reality’s no strike-no lockout counterproposal. After a brief caucus, Climate Reality agreed to 2 of the Union’s counters on the Grievance Procedure and Labor/Management Committee proposals.
There were compensation issues raised by the Union for two of our members. By the end of the day, the Union successfully resolved 1 of those compensation issues. The other, Climate Reality has to follow up on.
The rest of the negotiating session was spent pressing Climate Reality on the email sent by the CEO regarding anti-harassment and an inclusive work environment. Concerns were raised by the Committee regarding allowing space for hard conversations regardless of one's position on a topic.
June 6th
The Union first questioned Climate Reality on information they had provided on consultants and contractors and how their work may or may not overlap with the work of bargaining unit members.
Next, the Union questioned Climate Reality on Climate Reality’s counterproposal on layoff and recall, as well as their response to a request for information from the Union relating to Climate Reality’s no strike-no lockout counter.
After a caucus, the Union presented a counterproposal on severance pay, and reiterated the importance of extending healthcare benefits as well as sufficient wages in the event of a layoff. Finally, the Union made a request for information from Climate Reality on staff attrition.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the CWA Committee about individual issues happening that do not seem to be correct. You have representation to aid in correcting the issues which may not only help you but also others.
We meet again for bargaining on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.
Your CWA Bargaining Team,
Ella Carlson; Sena Wazer; Vivienne Maxwell; Bailey Fullwiler; Julia Ridgely and Lisa Fazzini
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