Climate Reality 2024 Bargaining Report #6

On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the CWA Local 2336 Bargaining Committee issued the following report:
Hello CWA Members:
Your CWA/Climate Reality Bargaining Committee met today. We have a new member on the committee, Cate Henning. Former committee members Sena Wazer and Vivienne Maxwell, left Climate Reality and could no longer serve as committee members. We thank them for serving on the committee as they were a tremendous asset during their time on the committee.
The Union reviewed with Climate Reality a request for information regarding attrition. Questions pertaining to how many staff have left Climate Reality in the last 3 years; why and what changes have been made at Climate Reality based on feedback received during exit interviews were asked and Climate Reality provided answers over a 10-year period expanding on our information request.
Answers to questions regarding the attrition information led to CWA raising questions on Climate Reality’s review process for employees and management. The Union was concerned the current process was more of a bottom-up approach. Members have raised issues about how they have been reviewed and concerns over not having an opportunity to review leadership. This issue will be further explored by the bargaining committee.
CWA presented another information request surrounding the topic of professional development. Climate Reality will review and return it with the requested information. The Union also passed two counter proposals on Layoff and Recall and No-Strike-No Lockout.
Our next scheduled bargaining session is set for Thursday, August 22nd, 2024. The Union offered additional dates of availability in September and October to keep the negotiations going.
Your CWA Bargaining Team,
Ella Carlson; Cate Henning; Bailey Fullwiler; Julia Ridgely and Lisa Fazzini
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