Climate Reality 2024 Bargaining Report #8

On Thursday, September 19, 2024, the Local 2336 Bargaining Committee issued the following report:
Your CWA/Climate Reality Bargaining Committee met today.
The Union presented 3 counterproposals to Climate Reality dealing with Layoff & Recall, Severance Pay and Successorship. The Union and Climate Reality reached a tentative agreement on the Successorship counter.
There was one Request for Information the Union submitted on the topic of a Probation Period. Climate Reality had inserted probationary period language into a different proposal about Seniority but the Union had questions surrounding this practice. Climate Reality presented a counterproposal on Employee Classification and questioned the Union about our Performance Review proposal.
As it stands, we have reached a total of 12 tentative agreements on language proposals for our first contract. Our next scheduled bargaining session is set for October 8th, 2024.
Please wear red that Tuesday whether remote or in the office to show support for the bargaining team. We have confirmed upcoming sessions in October. Dates will be solicited for November and December.
Your CWA Bargaining Team,
Ella Carlson; Cate Henning; Taina Colon; Julia Ridgely and Lisa Fazzini
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