Climate Reality Bargaining Report #12

On Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the CWA Local 2336 Bargaining Committee reported:
The Union and the Employer met today for negotiations. The Union presented a proposal on remote work, proposing that all bargaining unit employees be permitted to work remotely from anywhere in the United States and Territories, as well as be able to temporarily or permanently change worksite. Thank you all for a strong show of solidarity surrounding this topic this week! This was a top priority for the bargaining unit according to our member survey, and we will continue to mobilize to advocate for more flexibility. Climate Reality will review our proposal and respond.
The Union also presented one request for information on the commuter program. Climate Reality presented a counter proposal on hours of work. They made movement on comp time, but not toward a flexible work schedule. This is also an issue that was ranked as a priority among members, and we will devise a counter proposal. We are awaiting Climate Reality’s response on our previously presented proposals on job postings and promotions and added work/work out of title. We reached tentative agreement on our community service leave proposal and are close to agreement on our school or other activity related parental leave.
We encourage you to stay engaged, continue to wear red on Thursdays, and use your Union Zoom backgrounds in internal meetings – especially all staffs! Even these small acts of solidarity are crucial to showing Climate Reality we are united. We offered a series of dates for bargaining in February, March, and April, and are awaiting confirmation from Climate Reality on scheduling.
Your CWA Bargaining Team,
Ella Carlson; Cate Henning; Josephine Gingerich; Alejandro Sobrera Barboza; Lisa Fazzini
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