Comcast AlleKiske 2023 Bargaining Report 4

On Wednesday, September 13, 2023, the CWA Local 13000 Bargaining Committee reported from their week at the Comcast Alle-Kiske bargaining table:
We met with the Company the last three days, September 11, 12 and 13, 2023 in Carnegie. Discussions moved into economics, and we have made our wage proposal to the company among others. Talks over wages, contract labor, overtime, and cost of living are ongoing. The company has shown no urgency to come to an agreement during our sessions this week, so the committee needs you to remain strong and resolved as we fight for a fair contract.
Bargaining has concluded for the week, and we are scheduled to resume Tuesday, October 10, 2023. Please reach out to your Rep for additional details on bargaining and other concerns.
In Unity,
Union Bargaining CommitteeJon Remington
Gregg Bialek
Jamie Fetterman
Bill Maher
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