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Bargaining resumed today and for the first time since we started back on January 22, 2013 we had multiple meetings that lasted more than 10 minutes with some progress being made. Several tentative agreements were reached but the rejections still outweighed the progress that was made.

The Company rejected the Union proposals on the New Letter of Agreement-Employee Resource Coordinator and the New Letter of Agreement-Health Care Benefit Coordinator. The Company believes their HR1 Stop web site is adequate enough to care for your needs when it comes to assistance with medical benefits, FMLA paperwork, FMLA appeals, Tuition Assistance, Career Development just to name a few. The Company also rejected the New Letter of Agreement –Customer Surveying; Article 21-Absence specific to expanding upon the relationships covered as immediate family; Letter of Agreement 4-Compensation Committee; Letter of Agreement 11-Sales Quota Relief and Letter of Agreement 16-At Risk Target. The Company made it clear they have no interest in the Union’s involvement, input or thoughts about any aspect of their commission plan.

The Union once again passed proposals with modifications to Letter of Agreement-Tour Sliding; Article 16-Safety and Article 21-Absences. Proposals were also passed on Article 19-Basis of Compensation and Article 13-Work Assignments.

Now more than ever, it’s time to step up the mobilization efforts. The Company is more inclined to meet our demands when we have the support of our members. The contract expires Saturday, February 9th and we have many issues still outstanding.

Bargaining resumes Tuesday, February 5, 2013.