CWA & AVAYA 2023 Bargaining Report #15

On Monday, November 6, 2023, the AVAYA Bargaining Committee reported:
Sisters and Brothers,
The Company and the Union have not reached a fair and just agreement for you. The Company denied the Union's request to extend the contract and stated that the employees would work without an agreement. For now, it is “Business as Usual”. The only thing that changes when working without a contract is that there is no arbitration for any grievances filed after you began working without one.
Our legal department and the T&T Office are reviewing and assessing the situation. We hope to get back to the table soon.
In Everlasting Unity,
Your Avaya Bargaining Committee
Brian Sawyer, Staff Representative
Sandra Strain, CWA Local 6016
Richard Chittenden, CWA Local 6215
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