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CWA District 2-13 Rally at Frontier in West Virginia

Frontier members in West Virginia gathered in Charleston on Saturday, July 27th to fight for West Virginia customers and employees. CWA District 2-13 Vice President Edward Mooney and CWA District 2-13 Staff Representative Elaine Harris made speeches to rally the crowd.

CWA District 2-13 VP Edward Mooney addresses rallyCWA District 2-13 members rally for a fair contract at Frontier













CWA District 2-13 Staff Rep Elaine Harris addresses rally









CWA District 2-13 officers and members came from Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington, DC to join their brothers and sisters in West Virginia to fight for a fair contract. CWA District 1 VP Chris Shelton arrived to address the crowd, as well.

CWA District 2-13 members and officers traveled to support West Virginia           CWA District 1 VP Chris Shelton addresses the rally














CWA's strongest West Virginia ally, the United Mine Workers of America, rallied alongside CWAer's to maintain and strengthen West Virginia's standard of living. UMWA President Cecil E. Roberts addressed the Frontier employees during Saturday's rally.

UMWA President Cecil E. Roberts addresses the rally with CWAUMWA members rally with CWA Frontier WV members










Click here to view all of the District photos from the rally. For more news and photos from the Frontier rally in Charleston, WV on July 27, as well as the Frontier rally on July 20, visit Frontier Local websites:

Local 2004

Local 2006