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Duquesne Club Bargaining Update #4

The Union and the Company met on Thursday, September 22, 2010. The Union submitted more than 50 proposals to management, which were representative of proposed changes submitted on the bargaining surveys. We reviewed the need for all the proposals and the impact on the membership.

The Company and the Union reviewed proposals that had been previously passed. The Company and the Union have come to a Tentative Agreement on the Wait Staff Scheduling Guidelines, which will be incorporated into the contract. The agreements will further define current guidelines, which had been in place on a trial basis, with minor additions and changes.

The company and the Union have tentatively agreed to several Articles in the current contract, which include:

* Hours requirement remains the same, including grandfather status

* 4 Year Agreement

* Employees need for use of vacation/FMLA requests, prior to vesting will be paid immediately.

The next scheduled bargaining session will be Monday, September 26th. At that time we expect to discuss Healthcare and Economic issues.

As tentative agreements are reached we will provide a bargaining report on those agreements.

Submitted by:
The Duquesne Club Bargaining Committee

NOTE: The Election Committee sent out strike vote ballots to the membership on Monday, 9/20 and these ballots are to be returned by 9/26 and will be counted by the Committee on 9/27.