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Fighting for Our Jobs in Pittsburgh, PA

AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH (AT&T) has almost nothing “American” left about it. AT&T employs over 20,000 workers in the Philippines, 3,000 workers in Mexico, and 4,500 workers in India, in addition to a call center it is developing for 2,500 workers in Bratislava. Now AT&T is calling it quits on two American call centers in Pittsburgh, PA.

AT&T Abandons America and Its Workers

200 members of Communications Workers of America from Locals 13500 and Local 13550 will lose their jobs on May 24, 2013. These jobs will be eliminated despite the fact that the AT&T-owned facility at 635 Grant Street in Pittsburgh, PA is a priority network, running wireless capability and housing Homeland Security for the White House and the Departments of State and Defense.

Broken Promises

After AT&T merged with SBC in 2005, it broke its promise to promote the growth of American jobs. AT&T first attempted to shut down the 1500 Penn Avenue facility in Pittsburgh soon after the merger. CWA members thwarted that attempt by engaging the assistance of the Pennsylvania Governor and state legislators. Everyone knows that good paying jobs sustain our local communities and families. Help us make our voices heard again. Workers in Pittsburgh, PA are speaking up and fighting back to keep their jobs. Send an email to the three officers below with the simple message: “Save Pittsburgh Jobs.”

Help send a message to AT&T to Keep American Jobs in Pittsburgh!

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Thanks for your support!!

Please Email:

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson:

AT&T VP Andy Geisse:

AT&T VP Lori Lee: