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Frontier WV/VA Strike Report 2

Since the strike was called on March 4, 2018, there have been no meetings between the CWA Bargaining Committee and the Frontier Bargaining Committee. District 2-13 Vice President Ed Mooney has spoken with Frontier representatives. The message Ed delivered was simple. To reach an agreement and settle this strike, everyone in the bargaining unit must be covered by employment security and the expanded use of contractors must stop.  Frontier promised the State of West Virginia a well-run, modern telecommunications network. In order to deliver, it must commit to investing in the infrastructure and to the highly-skilled, dedicated workforce. The Union Bargaining Committee is ready and waiting on Frontier to respond.

Ten days into the strike our membership is solid.  Your solidarity is amazing.  Our message of good jobs and quality service resonates with our customers, our communities, and our elected officials.  They have all given us tremendous support.  Everyone needs to keep up the great work.  Stick with the mobile pickets; they are working.



#cwawvstrong #1u #cwa2222 #cwastrong #fightingforourfuture