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Legacy T Bargaining Report 42 May 4, 2012

The Bargaining Team met together for most of the day and began meeting with the company late this afternoon. We left the table at 7:30 tonight.

After rejecting Union proposals on Health Care, wages and JOG the Company presented another “package” of proposals:

They moved a very small amount from their last Health Care cost shifting proposal but it is still far, far too much for our members to pay. What they are looking for is in no way a “fair share” of the costs of the plan. They are also still proposing a much worse plan for new hires.

Their Pension proposal did not come close to addressing the problems faced by our members coming up on retirement age who are covered under the CBA. Their wage package is an insult to our members, especially considering what they want us to pay for Health Care.

They backed off on cutting the disability plan from 52 weeks to 26 weeks but made other changes in the plan.

Their new proposals on vacations and paid sicktime are still retrogressive.

We are outraged that at this point, almost a month past expiration, the Company has still not made ONE proposal that is an advance for our members and is continuing to look for give-back after give-back.

As we said at the Verizon yesterday and we should be saying every day to the management of AT&T –

“You say GIVE BACK! We say FIGHT BACK!!