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LifePath 2017 Bargaining: Report 8

Bargaining resumed Monday and a normal pace towards settlement carried through Tuesday. Although there were several issues to be resolved, your committee was confident a fair settlement could be reached on time. Then the sun rose on Wednesday and the bargaining careened off the road.

LifePath, in a surprising turn of events, is attempting to radically alter its wage proposal and structure. LifePath attributes this to external events, specifically the budget funding impasse that is currently ongoing in Harrisburg.

Although sympathetic and willing to assist, your bargaining team will not accept anything less than what the membership deserves and that any wage increase be provided in a fair and equitable manner, without reduction and with retroactivity to all our represented members.

The final scheduled day of bargaining prior to contract expiration is Friday, September 29, 2017.

Your bargaining committee is reviewing all options available including the possibility of taking a strike vote. In the meantime, please show your support by wearing RED on Friday. In addition, tell your supervisor that you deserve a fair and equitable contract.

As employees of LifePath, you are committed to do your best every single day. LifePath must make the same commitment for you.


John Petrini, District 2-13 Staff Representative-Bargaining Chair
Julie Daloisio-Local 13500 President
Tom Ballek-Local 13500 Executive Vice President, Central Division
Karen Sparks-Local 13500 Executive Vice President, Eastern/Philadelphia Division
Kulah Mulbah- LifePath Activity Assistant, Chief Steward and Member Local 13500