MissionWired First Contract Bargaining: Report #1
On Friday, February 9, 2024, the CWA Local 2336 Bargaining Committee reported:
Dear fellow members,
Your CWA bargaining committee met Friday, 2/9, with MissionWired management for our second official bargaining meeting with the company.
Our first meeting was held Tuesday, January 23rd. CWA kicked off the session raising 3 topics surrounding: Company proposed compensation changes; benefits enrollment; and content of the joint statement about agreements between MissionWired and CWA that were reached after membership sent a letter to management about the most recent round of layoffs. Our collective action made this possible!
In our 1/23/24, opening statement, the union highlighted topics our members expect to see improved upon and included in our contract as a result of bargaining survey responses from all of you. CWA passed 5 proposals covering common labor language like recognition, dues deduction, non-discrimination, PAF fund contributions, and no strike/no lockout, as well as a labor-management committee proposal. Management and the union exchanged questions and answers regarding the proposals. The goal of this kind of real-time discussion during bargaining meetings is to ensure understanding on both sides about not just the words of the proposal, but also the intent of the language.
In Fridays, 2/9 session, management countered all the proposals presented on 1.23. CWA then presented two new proposals: one to establish a grievance process, and another to establish an approach to arbitration. These processes will govern the process of resolving disagreements about potential misapplications and/or violations of the contract, once bargaining is complete and it is ratified by membership.
Additional discussion was held discussing various internal raise and promotion process questions.
During the negotiation process, it’s essential to continuously demonstrate that we’re united in achieving our goal of reaching a strong, fair contract. Your mobilization committee will be informing you of collective actions we can take to send a visual message to management that we are in this together.
Your bargaining committee
Lisa Fazzini-CWA Staff Representative-Bargaining Chair Noam Efron
Grace Duginski-CWA Local 2336 Steward Caroline Enloe
Katie Anderson Maddy Moore
Maria Betances-Keogle
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