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Mobility ?Orange? Contract Implementation Dates

The indivdual provisions of the Mobility "Orange" contract take effect at different points through the coming year:

  • 4/6 — On Call Pay
  • 4/6 — Illness cap
  • 4/6 — Vacation paid in lieu of
  • 4/6 — Lateral transfers within same title
  • 4/6 — Changes to Article 19, Section 7 “scheduled” removed from text
  • 4/6 — Increase in Severance Payments
  • 4/26 — Paycheck Ratification Bonus
  • 5/10 — Paycheck 2013 General Wage Increase with retro back to 2/10
  • 5/19 — Title Upgrades for Paramus/Evansville
  • TBD — Multilingual differential
  • 10/31 — FH/DH carry over
  • TBD — Network call out payment