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Potomac Local Bargaining Report #3

Local Bargaining Report #3

Thursday July 21, 2011 

The Potomac Local Bargaining team spent the morning going over the information management provided from several of our information data requests.  We then met with the management bargaining team and continued pushing forward with our members agenda. 

Just like at the Common Issues Bargaining Table, every proposal management has put forward at our local table is retrogressive.  They continually tell us that they are in a death spiral as a company and we need to accept their package of demands if we are going to save the company.  Yet when we try to talk to them about some of the problems we have with their treatment of our members they tell us they don’t have time for that, they have a business to run. 

The only way we are going to beat this company and move forward with a fair contract is if every one of our members gets pissed off.  This company is out to gut your contract and take food off your families table.  If someone was attacking your family you wouldn’t stand for it.  This is the same thing.  Now is the time to get angry.  Now is the time to get creative.  Don’t wait for someone else.  We only win when everyone gets involved. 

We still have room on the buses going to New York for the rally on July 30th.  Everyone needs to be on the bus.  Bring family, bring friends, bring people you haven’t met yet and make some new friends but be there! 

Now more than ever we need to mobilize! 

Mobilize!  Mobilize!  Mobilize!