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Sprint?s True Motive For Opposing AT&T/T-Mobile Merger: It Wants T-Mobile for Itself Campaign Shines a Light on Sprint's Embarrassing Hypocrisy This is Not About Consumer Interest, It's About Sprint's Interest

Washington, D.C. — Sprint's opposition to the proposed AT&T/T-Mobile merger has been revealed to be nothing more than a classic bait-and-switch — with the Sprint CEO saying out of one side of his mouth the merger would hurt consumers — while talking out the other about buying T-Mobile for itself.

The truth was revealed when Sprint Chief Executive Officer Dan Hesse strongly hinted that Sprint may try to buy T-Mobile if the AT&T merger falls through — and further pulled back the curtain by adding that a very strong argument could be made that regulators would approve a Sprint/T-Mobile merger.

Eye On Sprint, a project of the Communications Workers of America, will continue to conduct an aggressive advertising campaign, now with the unintended help of Mr. Hesse, to expose Sprint's self interest in opposing the merger as well as Sprint's dismal record on workers' rights. The print and online ads will run in Politico and the Washington Post.

Ads will direct readers to for the truth about Sprint's motives and the case against a Sprint/T-Mobile merger.

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Immediate Release: September 28, 2011

Contact: Chuck Porcari at, 202-434-1121 or Elizabeth Schilling, 202-434-1344.