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SuperMedia Bargaining 2012: April 16, 2012 Update

Bargaining resumed last week in Philadelphia after in depth off table discussions failed to result in an agreement over the Benefit issues that have dominated these negotiations.

Need vs. Greed

SuperMedia insists that it has to have serious changes in its benefits structure as it transitions the business. They continually point out that their top line revenue has declined some 18-20% annually over since exiting bankruptcy.

We advised SuperMedia that our members, their employees are not the ones responsible for their business plan. We do the work. In fact the results reported by SuperMedia do not give us confidence in the competence in the Managers of the business.

Your Bargaining Committee is striving to seek the balance between SuperMedia’s legitimate needs and where their demands are simply corporate greed.

We also raised discussions on the impact of Project Orange on the servicing of the traditional Yellow Pages and the modification of the UTC as examples of our lack of confidence in SuperMedia’s management. The workers are not the problem.

The contract has been extended until Saturday April 21.