TCGunion-CWA Members Cross Bargaining Milestone at eBay Subsidiary

Authentication workers at eBay subsidiary TCGplayer, represented by TCGunion-CWA Local 1123, continue to push for a fair contract after 500 days of bargaining. TCGplayer is one of the largest online marketplaces for verification services, card games, and collectible trading cards.
The group launched their public campaign in January 2023. Since they started contract negotiations, eBay and TCGplayer CEO Robert Bigler have refused to discuss economic issues at the bargaining table and refuse to agree on key parts of their union contract, including just cause requirements and standard grievance procedures.
“Every day [that] TCGplayer and eBay are able to delay is a day they line their pockets with more money that could have gone into the wage increases and benefits that we desperately need. Instead, they leave us to barely scrape by while pointing fingers at our union,” said Zach Freeman, eBay worker and TCGunion-CWA Local 1123 member, in a recent email to the unit. “An employee working full time used to be able to make a life for themself and their family, but TCGplayer and eBay are robbing us of that basic dignity.”
In December 2023, Region 3 of the NLRB found merit with several elements of the unfair labor practice charges filed by CWA, finding eBay and TCGplayer in violation of labor law by delaying bargaining, denying information to the union that they are legally entitled to, withholding benefits to punish union workers, and more.
TCGunion-CWA is demanding that the company act quickly to end its pattern of delay as workers continue to show up to bargain their first collective contract.
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