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US Airways: Get to Know Our Bargaining Committee

In preparation for bargaining, leaders of our seven Local Unions elected the Bargaining Committee in late 2010. They elected three representatives and three alternates. Since then, one member of the Committee withdrew, and one alternate retired, leaving three representatives on the Committee and one alternate, Barbara Tobin from PHL.

Supporting the Bargaining Committee are staff members Velvet Hawthorne and Jimmy Tarlau and attorney Judi Chartier. Ron Collins, CWA Chief of Staff, advises the Committee and oversees bargaining on behalf of the national union.

The current Bargaining Committee includes:

Millicent Burnett, Customer Service Supervisor, PIT, Local 13302

I started my career with the company—then Allegheny Airlines—on July 18, 1978. I’ve done several jobs in those 35 years, including 25 years as a Customer Service Representative. I was furloughed briefly and came back to PIT as a Customer Service Supervisor in 2005.

I’ve been through a lot of changes with US Airways, and always been involved in our union. Without my union, I wouldn’t have the job protections and benefits that come with our contract.

I’m proud to serve on the Bargaining Committee, and I encourage everyone to speak up, wear your unions pins, and show the company that we are standing together for a fair contract that protects good jobs at US Airways.

Dan Skerl, Passenger Operations Control Representative, CLT; Executive Vice President, Local 3641

I started working for Piedmont Airlines at LGA on October 1, 1985. In January 1988, I transferred to CLT. I’ve worked air freight, the club, ramp, and customer service. I’ve seen it all in 28 years with this company.

In 2004, I was displaced to part-time because of the second bankruptcy. Thanks to my union contract, I was recalled to a full-time position in seniority order in 2005. I currently work full-time as a POC.

Since 2003, I’ve been an elected officer of Local 3641. As a member of the Bargaining Committee, it’s my job to help negotiate a contract that protects our members’ jobs and gives us industry-leading wages and benefits.

Vickey Hoots, President, Local 3640 (INT)

I was hired by Piedmont Airlines almost 29 years ago. I’ve always worked at the Winston-Salem Reservations Office, the last 7 years on the Customer Service Desk helping my fellow agents with problems or taking escalated calls from customers.

I grew up in a union family, and I know the importance of having a union. That’s why I’ve been active in our union ever since we started organizing in 1995. In 2009, I was elected Executive Vice President of our Local, and during my second term, in 2012, I was promoted to President.

I feel honored to be a member of our Bargaining Team, and I’m committed to fighting alongside my fellow members for fairness and respect at US Airways.

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