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VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 17

Your committee has met three times with the Company today and they still have not removed any of their RETROGRESSIVE demands from the table. It is obvious to your Committee that the Company is not ready to resolve the many issues that remain on the table. Each of you must send the Company the strongest message possible that WE WILL NOT GO BACK. Keep up the great work each of you are doing in your support for this committee and together we will prevail.

We will be meeting with the Company soon and we will continue to push for a Fair and Equitable Agreement. As soon as we meet with the Company, we will send out an update.

We need everyone to let the Company know where they can place their RETROGRESSIVE proposals and each of us needs to let the Company know that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We need to keep the pressure on the Company and let them know that we will not go back. We will not stop until we get a fair contract and with your help we will accomplish that together. We must turn up the heat on the Company so they clearly understand that whatever it takes WE WILL PREVAIL.

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