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VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 18

There still has been no positive movement by the Company at the VCS Bargaining table. The Company continues to leave there RETROGRESSIVE demands on the table with no regard to the negative impact they will have on you and your families. They continue to tell us that they have to cut costs and because of that they need for us to accept these RETROGRESSIVE demands that they know will move everyone backwards. We must stand firm no matter what it takes to make sure that this Company takes everyone of these demands off the table and begins to bargain with the Union so that we can reach a Fair and Equitable settlement.

We need everyone to continue to let the Company know where they can place these RETROGRESSIVE demands and each of us needs to let the Company know that WE WILL NOT GO BACK. We need to keep the pressure on the Company and we cannot let up until we accomplish what we set out to do at the start of these negotiations. Let the Company know that we will not stop until we get a FAIR contract and with your help we will accomplish this together. We must turn up the heat on the Company so they clearly understand that whatever it takes WE WILL PREVAIL.


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