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VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 21

Your Bargaining Team met with the Company today and asked numerous questions concerning one of their RETROGRESSIVE proposals. As usual we got very few answers but we did get a lot of “We’ll get back to you with that answer”. The Company is still refusing to come off any of their RETROGRESSIVE proposals and they still want each employee to go backwards on many important issues. Their position on these issues is totally ridiculous and there is no justification for these TAKEBACKS. This corporation is very profitable and each of us deserves to share in that profitability. Continue to tell VCS that we will not accept what they currently have on the table and let them know that we will last one more day then they will in this fight.

Your Committee will continue to fight this battle and with each of you involved there will be a positive outcome. Hang in there and continue to tell the Company that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We must continue to stay strong on the picket lines and we must continue to let the Company know that WE WILL NOT GO BACK. With your continued strength on the picket lines we will prevail in this fight. Hang tough and together we will move forward for the betterment of each of us and our families.


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