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VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 24

Your Bargaining Team met with the Company today to explore the possibility of moving forward on a couple of the issues that are currently on the table. The Union and the Company agreed to meet again at 10:00 am on Wednesday to continue our discussions. Your Committee continues to try and resolve all of the RETROGRESSIVE DEMANDS that are still on the table. We will continue these discussions until we are able to reach a FAIR AND EQUITABLE agreement with VCS that will enable all of us to move forward together. Each of you MUST continue to put pressure on this corporation SO THEY CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THAT WE WILL NOT GO BACK. Your presence on the picket line is making a difference and your continued support is essential so we can get these RETROGRESSIVE demands off the table. We will prevail in this fight and we need to send that message to VCS so they clearly understand that we will never roll over for this GREEDY corporation.

Together we will PREVAIL in this struggle and in the end we will move FORWARD as ONE. Hang tough and continue to let VCS know that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


It’s all about good Union Jobs!!!