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VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 25

Your Bargaining Team met with the Company today and following a brief discussion the meeting was adjourned. Again today there was no attempt by the Company to remove any of their many RETROGRESSIVE demands from the table. The Company made their first RETROGRESSIVE demand on June 23rd and to this date they have made no attempt to remove any of them. Each of you needs to clearly tell this Company that they MUST get these demands off the table so we can begin to move forward and reach a FAIR AND EQUITABLE settlement. Each of these demands would have a negative impact on you and your family. This Company is very profitable because of your hard work and there is no reason other than GREED for these demands to still be on the table. It is up to each of us to continue to clearly tell VCS where they can place these RETROGRESSIVE demands. Each of us needs to keep the pressure on this Company both on and off the picket lines. We need to take our message to our friends and neighbors and let them know what this GREEDY Company is trying to do to each of us and how they are trying to negatively impact our families.

We will PREVAIL in this struggle and in the end we will move FORWARD as ONE. Hang tough and continue to let VCS know that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

Your Committee is scheduled to meet with the Company Thursday morning.


It’s all about good Union Jobs!!!