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VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 26

Your Bargaining Team met with the Company today and following a brief discussion the meeting was adjourned. Does that sound like something you have read before? Guess what, it is. This is the way bargaining has been going with VCS since our first day on June 22nd. The Company has absolutely made no effort to resolve a single issue to date. They have refused to pull one of their many RETROGRESSIVE demands off the table. They continue to push their agenda of taking us all back to the 1990’s when the first contract was negotiated in what is now VCS. They continue in their attempt to take away almost every gain that has been made through the years with no regard to what that will do to each of you and your family. To date the only thing that this Company has demonstrated is pure GREED with no regard to what type of impact that GREED will have on you. It is time for each of us to tell VCS that they need to get serious and sit down at the table and negotiate a FAIR AND EQUITABLE agreement. You are the ones that generate the profits for VCS and each of you deserves to share in those profits. We must continue to clearly tell VCS where they can place the RETROGRESSIVE demands that remain on the table. Each of us needs to keep the pressure on this Company both on and off the picket lines and wherever we can we need to increase that pressure. We will PREVAIL in this struggle and in the end we will move FORWARD as ONE. Hang tough and continue to let VCS know that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

Your Committee is scheduled to meet with the Company Friday morning.


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