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VCS Bargaining 2011: Report # 46

Again last week your VCS Bargaining Team met with the Company and to date the major issues on the table still have not been resolved. The Company presented your Team a package of proposals and again the issues of Overtime Caps, Pensions and Health Care continue to be RETROGRESSIVE and the Company continues to refuse to deal with practically all of the Union’s proposals. The Company’s position throughout this round of negotiations has been almost totally “their way or the highway”. They have refused to deal with just about every positive proposal that CWA/IBEW have placed on the table and they continue to WHINE about how they must remain competitive which keeps them from making any improvements that would make your life and your family’s life better. It is quite evident that the Company does not care about anything but making money and it is also quite evident that they will hurt anyone or anything that gets in the way. It is clear that this Company does not want the employees that give them a full day’s work any share in the monies that are being earned by each of you. We need to continue to fight back and continue to tell this corporation that we will be here one day longer and we will prevail in this drawn out process.

We need each of you to tell this Company on a daily basis that we will not allow them to destroy your benefits and to destroy the middle class jobs that CWA and IBEW have fought so hard to create since the inception of VCSI in 1995. We need your help so we can prevail in this crucial battle. The future is on the line so if you haven’t started yet begin to mobilize today and contact your Local office to find out what you can do. As our overall numbers in VCS continue to dwindle we must all carry our weight in this fight and each of us must clearly let the Company know that we expect more than what they are currently offering to the individuals that helped them generate the profits they are enjoying. We must stay strong and let this corporation know that we will fight to secure our future and the future of our family. CORPORATE GREED can be their only motivation because this is a very profitable corporation and they can afford to treat all of us FAIRLY. We must continue to MOBILIZE everyday because together we can prevail. One of our main targets must continue to be every Verizon Wireless Store throughout our areas, coordinated with your Local, as well as our other activities on the job and in our communities. In order for all of us to be successful, your assistance is essential to accomplish our goals in this round of negotiations. Thanks for your support in the past and now more than ever we need your continued support so we can all win this FIGHT!!


Important: NLRB Region 2 Authorizes Issuance of Complaint Against Verizon for Unfair Firings, Discipline:

Washington, D.C. – National Labor Relation Board Region 2 has authorized the issuance of a complaint against Verizon Communications for its actions in disciplining and firing workers following the two-week strike by union members last August.

Regional Director Karen Fernbach authorized the complaint for 58 of the 63 cases brought by Communications Workers of America, following an investigation in Verizon’s actions.





It’s all about good Union Jobs!!!!