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Verizon Bargaining 2011: Report # 12

Bargaining continued today with the first meeting of the day centered around questions the Union committee had concerning the Company proposal on changes to the Medically Restricted Policy. The Union asked many hard questions, some of which the Company was able to respond to and others they could not. The tables recessed for a short period with the Union committee joining with over 100 of our Union Sisters and Brothers from several CWA and IBEW Union Locals in a noon time rally and practice picket at the 900 Race Street Verizon Central Office.

The bargaining committee then spent the afternoon preparing for the evening session with the Company. During the evening session we reviewed the Company proposal on call sharing and asked many questions, almost all of which the Company committee could not answer and will be getting back to us. Talks have recessed for the evening and will continue again tomorrow.

CWA members across the region voted overwhelmingly to authorize the CWA Executive Board to call a strike if a fair contract cannot be reached. Ninety-one (91) percent of those voting approved the strike authorization. Our members seem to get the fact that the only way we will hold onto and move forward against this greedy company is if we are willing to fight for it.

We are all looking forward to the rally at 11:00am on Saturday. We are hearing about thousands of members, family and friends coming in from all around the region to send the message that WE WILL NOT GO BACK!

The Union Bargaining Committee wishes to extend a special thank you to the members from CWA Local 13500 for the beautiful basket of fruit and extras that you sent. We all appreciate it.

Now is the time Sisters and Brothers. Now is the time to get mad. Now is the time to stand up. This Company is pushing to undo fifty years of bargaining history. We can stand up to them at the negotiating table as long as we know you have our back.



A note to the red teams: The days are getting shorter.