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Verizon Bargaining 2011: Report # 18

As contract expiration draws near, bargaining with the company at the Regional Bargaining table is moving along at a snail’s pace. Verizon continually comes to the table with incomplete answers to the questions we’ve asked and data requests yet unfulfilled. We are 48 hours from contract expiration and we have yet to reach agreement on any issue. We have yet to see the company remove even one of their retrogressive proposals. We are hearing reports from different areas of managers trying to find out if any of our members are interested in being scabs. Our members need to tell them where they can put their question.

We are down to the wire in these negotiations and every action or lack thereof on the part of our members signals to the company how serious we are about getting to a fair agreement. Now is the time to turn up the heat. Mobilization actions should be operating at 110% from here on out. They need to get the message in every garage, every call center, every Central Office that we are ready for this fight and we will hold out one day longer.

Verizon seems to think it is open season on Union workers. We must take a stand against this greedy company. This is a company making billions of dollars in profit. We are the ones who make that happen and we won’t quit until we reach a fair deal.

Verizon, the clock is ticking. You can run it all the way out to the end but our members are not going backward. From New England to Virginia there is one thing you can be sure of, “WE WON’T GO BACK”. We are in this fight for the long haul and we will last one day longer than you will until we reach a fair agreement.