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Verizon Bargaining 2011: Report # 30

The Regional Bargaining team presented the Company with a proposal today to address issues of concern for both the company and the union. In an attempt to move the bargaining process along the union’s proposal looked to address some of the company’s items while caring for items that are important to the union.

The company met our efforts with a response leaving us wondering if they really know what they want in this round of bargaining. We are 12 days into the strike and the company replies to our efforts at meeting them halfway with more demands for givebacks. In one union counter-proposal, we agreed to part of the company demand and in turn, their response was to withdraw that part of the proposal! They not only seem hell bent on destroying the union, they don’t seem to care if they destroy the company in the process.

Your bargaining team is doing everything possible to move your agenda forward and reach a fair agreement with this company. However, bargaining is a give and take process and so far, the company has demonstrated they want to do nothing but take.

Continue to dig in sisters and brothers. Keep the picket lines strong. Keep picketing at the Verizon Wireless stores and talking to the wireless workers about joining with us in fighting this VeriGreedy company known as Verizon.

Stay Strong – Stay United - Stay Focused

We Will Last One Day Longer